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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Thanks for bumping. Real nice. Now we have to be subjected to redhawk letting fly with the racial slurs.
  2. Coming headline from the left - why Kemp is worse than DeSantis who is worse than Trump.
  3. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/28/kamala-harris-joe-biden-debate-1390383 They got after it. Kamala-madingdong essentially called him a racist. They made up however.
  4. The consequence of the Biden Administration insisting on taxpayer-funded abortion on demand for military birthing people/egg-producers puts our security at risk.
  5. It came on the heels of him declaring that his preferred racial slur is not racist if used properly. I don’t profess to understand but maybe it’s related.
  6. The Big Guy is known for his empathy. He’s just saving it up for when he gets to Hawaii after his Tahoe vacation.
  7. Biden gets a pass as nobody expects him to lead or even be capable of doing so.
  8. Yes, the tyranny of the minority is at the root of an out of control immigration system happening on Joe Biden’s watch. Lame, boring canned response.
  9. Maybe they read racist comments on message boards. Thankfully we don’t see a lot of them here outside of the ones you spew.
  10. Real Americans except the mayor of NYC (D) and the governor of MA (D), the Erie County Exec (D), the mayor of DC (D), the fine citizens of Martha’s Vineyard (D) etc, etc. No big surprise.
  11. Liberal media frantically preparing their “why it’s good that Biden used an alias” news pieces
  12. That’s my hawk! It is a touch surprising that an elite of your age is so easily baited. All part of your winning/living your best life I reckon.
  13. You seem a bit defensive over your history of racism on this board. Understandable but please keep in mind that only about 12 people see it. Embrace the inner you! After all, the slurs you use are only opinions (your description).
  14. I just hope you will eventually reconsider and someday educate us on the spectrum of racism - as you see it and practice it.
  15. And you are the only poster on the board that uses racial slurs. Isn’t that something!
  16. If they are racist on the lower end of the racism spectrum that you believe exists, does that make them ok?
  17. Tell us about the spectrum of racism (please include as you practice it) to include antisemitism and anti-Zionism. I am ready to learn at the hand of the master. It’s your chance to educate all of us. You can do this.
  18. Are you suggesting their brand of antisemitism/anti-Zionism is ok because someone on the right said something worse? This must be that argument you’ve made previously that many people and groups (including the KKK according to you) are only part racist. Seems a little out of the prevailing norm but whatever you can justify, I guess.
  19. The guy on the right was fond of the robe. Not sure about the guy holding his hand.
  20. I remember not long ago you trying to thread the needle and pretend it was ok if you were an anti-Zionist as opposed to being an antisemite. With a track record of racism like yours, why should anyone be bothered by your latest cause? Clearly it doesn’t bother you when it’s “Squad” related antisemitism. I guess that’s because you want to date them.
  21. Ahead of nazis but behind soccer mommies. Any way you cut it we should all be very afraid.
  22. I don’t know what it is but I DO know adherents are exactly like nazis. They are lurking around every corner and are very, very scary. Be careful out on those hiking trails! I don’t know how people sleep at night.
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