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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Thanks to BillsNC for bringing up your post from March 6 just a few posts above this one. A post in which you declared that you saw no cognitive impairment. Now a few short months later he’s taken “to”many hits to the helmet. What changed your mind? Maybe it was just you shooting from the hip with one of the most ridiculous comments imaginable.
  2. It was redhawk. EVERYONE knows it’s not true. Hard to believe someone would be simple enough to post it.
  3. No agreement. Redhawk will be responding shortly with something about cons loving China and declaring it “logic”. Doubt me at your own risk!
  4. All this in response to a post about Biden’s alleged empathy and him exaggerating the details of his life. Very peculiar. Quite the billstime impersonation you are putting out there this morning. This must be what you consider “winning”.
  5. He was just thinking about the time his home burned down. Here’s the diagram me - Biden is a narcissistic a-hole you - thought con’s hated China me - wtf?
  6. Non sequitur. One of your “specialties”.
  7. This is a show of empathy? Give me a break. Everyone knows his wildly exaggerated stories as he’s repeated them time and again. It’s a typical show of narcissism from a guy that makes everything about him. Yes, how dare he.
  8. One psycho, you, and billstime. Q is everywhere! Reminds me of all the nazis running around. It’s a movement! Did I say one psycho?
  9. As a courtesy to everyone here other than Tiberius, will you please proofread before hitting “submit reply”? It’s getting painful.
  10. Old fart can’t help but make it about himself. Yes, I know…Trump and more Trump.
  11. I don’t think it’s feigned. It’s a perpetual state.
  12. a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement. "his weird mixed metaphors and non sequiturs"
  13. Complaining about DC elites as they line their pockets = punching down. Awesome!
  14. I always felt sorry for the name-calling bullies until I understood that they are just insecure and afraid of those that think differently. Yes, it’s sad but now that they are adults and still acting the same way it’s hard to feel for them. (insert laughing emoji bottom right for confirmation)
  15. I did. It’s worth an eye-roll. That someone would turn it into an unfunny screed is what I find more interesting.
  16. And here I was thinking the Babylon Bee was not very clever. Perhaps you can freelance for them.
  17. This is not a problem as many of our largest democrat-run cities have declared themselves to be sanctuary cities. There is room for all!
  18. Throttling back on the ALL CAPS. Must have switched to caffeine-free Diet Coke. Can’t wait until he dries up and blows away. There are good candidates ready and he needs to stfu.
  19. Even as the president was telling the public that Kabul was unlikely to fall, intelligence assessments painted a grimmer picture. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/17/us/politics/afghanistan-biden-administration.html Idiot!
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