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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Prior to you posting here regularly I never imagined that there would be someone that would give Tiberius a run for his money. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
  2. This is obviously a situation you care deeply about. Would you like to share with us how many of these people you have taken in and fed?
  3. Don’t be too surprised. You are engaging with someone that believes the use of “Uncle Tom” is not a racial slur if used “appropriately”.
  4. Here’s hoping you come to terms with it. You seem to be only a meme/racial slur away from becoming billstime/redhawk. Nobody wants that.
  5. I do not wish to trigger you further so will simply wish you dogspeed as you navigate what appears to be an unsettling time.
  6. You seem especially billstime-y and redhawkish this morning. What was it that triggered you most? Tucker? References to God? The guy with the long last name?
  7. ^^ I wish there was a big sigh reaction available.
  8. Biden has not lied about this yet. Progress!
  9. I am. Can’t wait until he’s gone. It’s a shame that so many will be permanently affected by Agent Orange. That’s on them however.
  10. Absolutely not. I suggest the usual for your sort - obsessing. Enjoy!
  11. The mindset required to post TRUMP “content” repeatedly in the Maui thread…..
  12. How do you know when a creature of DC and all the toadies surrounding him/her are being truthful? Help us understand. I beg you.
  13. That’s only if you discount millions of weak-minded people that are impacted as they lay down to sleep every night and immediately upon waking every morning. Broken by an orange colossus. All my best to those affected with the exception of those here that vomit up Trump all day long, every day.
  14. This has numbers and math involved. We should be safe from a redhawk intrusion. Fingers crossed.
  15. Billstime rifling through his file of church-involved pedos and associated memes in 3…2…
  16. ^ Leftist “humor” is the best. It’s always so edgy and fun! hoax
  17. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-repeatedly-told-exaggerated-house-fire-story-victims-tragedies Empathizer-in-chief? More like Ahole-in-chief. In October of last year, Biden told Hurricane Ian victims in Florida that he lost "an awful lot" of his home due to the fire. In January 2022, Biden told Colorado wildfire victims he "almost" lost his home to the fire and that the fire destroyed about 25% of it. But when speaking to the Summit on Fire Prevention and Control in October 2022, he said the smoke from the fire destroyed "everything" from the basement to the attic, and that "we almost lost a couple firefighters" who responded to the blaze. n November 2021, Biden said he "had a house burn down with my wife in it. She got out safely, God willing." But Trump
  18. Yes! Who can’t relate to the almost loss of a cat and treasured classic automobile? Go Brandon! Go CNN!
  19. Hollywood is collapsing. Dax Shepard hardest hit.
  20. Solid add. Thank you for your vigilance.
  21. Here is confirmation that a good American president is f’ing things royally. At cnn.com this afternoon one must scroll through the following before landing at the Maui-related headline “Biden attempts to console and demonstrate he’s taken action “ Trump/Georgia (obviously) Airplane rough landing Murderous dentist Do you have a narcissist in your life China economy menopausal women suffering at work putin soccer kiss ukraine cable car rescue mosquito repeller on sale dr pimple popper tropical storm harold europe heat wave pilot’s sweet message to flight attendant neptune’s clouds Messi Vegan a-hole (editorial comment) prisoner subsisting on bread and water Trump Trump Giraffe video Lana Del Rey
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