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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. This gem seems as though it was lost in the shuffle and I think you should get some credit for it. It’s quite something!
  2. None of the well-known videos and news articles about Joe Biden‘s lies are evidence. Redhawk from Riverside has entered the chat! Good lord.
  3. Between the torrent of lies he let loose with in the video, and the constant lies he tells about his personal life now do you believe he spent the intervening years being honest? It’s OK to say that you do.
  4. Here’s a 60 second video where he unleashed a torrent of nonstop lies and the national media making sure the truth was known. Do you think someone that would lie in this fashion became honest along the way? If so, see his repeated lies about his family over the last several years and virtually everything else out of his mouth. He likely cheats at golf. To even ask for examples is you revealing yourself as disingenuous. Shocking.
  5. Are you able to tell us what was in the manifesto left by the trans killer? If not, why not?
  6. Nothing wrong with that. I fly constantly and a small percentage of people wear masks. Lately it seems most common among the elderly. Nobody cares a lick. It’s only when the finger-wagging Karen’s (chigoose, redhawk, etc) get antsy does anyone care.
  7. Remember - your masks (two is better than one) protect me. Mine protect you. We should also do our part and stay six feet apart. This public service announcement has been brought to you by chigoose.
  8. And when you try to pin others as sharing the same disgusting opinions that you hold I will litigate it further. I write what I write.
  9. You and your ideological board mates have a hive mentality on most things. Why do you think none of them have stood up for you regarding your use of slurs and anti Zionist leanings?
  10. Says THE ONLY POSTER here that drops racial slurs and defends it as “only an opinion”. Also the only one that attempts to thread the needle on antisemitism/anti Zionism. Why would anyone give your comments on these matters any credibility? Here’s the answer since you are too clueless - they wouldn’t. Maybe you should start a poll on when racial slurs are acceptable.
  11. I think the idea of it should be on the table solely for purposes of watching pearlclutchers like you obsess over something so simple minded. It’s quite fun. Maybe we will have another Nazi day of hate scheduled sometime soon. Imagine that would be the medicine to cure you of this latest obsession. All my best. Aren’t you a little bit old for such melodrama?
  12. redhawk - while true that you come off as a dbag of YUGE proportions, I feel I owe it to you to let you know that Tiberius has hacked your account. It’s the only explanation for such mindless and childish drivel. No need to thank me. Just use laughing emoji bottom right.
  13. Like you, that sh*tbag probably considered his racism and use of racist language merely “an opinion”. Maybe he was one of those people that you claim exist - the “only part-racist”.
  14. You are: 1 - easily baited 2 - all about the fringe 3 - a racist that has attempted to claim that anti Zionism is somehow “better” than antisemitism and excuses those sentiments when it’s coming from your side All right here on a football site. Not imagined at all. Thoughts that you saw fit to post. bizarre shameful
  15. You just piss and moan all day every day imagining the fringe is coming to get you, nazis are goose stepping down main street, and civil war is nigh because of Sarah Palin. Other than that you are calm and measured.
  16. ^^ pretentious internet dbag has been tough on “you guys”. Whatever will “you guys” do? I for one am in between shivering in me timbers and doing self-inventory.
  17. What is your attraction to Joe Biden that you feel the need to defend him at every turn? Dude is a 50 year creature of Washington that never came across a lie he wouldn’t tell.
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