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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. What about the anti-Zionists? You seem in favor of them based on your posting history. Why? It’s a simple question along the lines of “do you favor civil war” so an answer is not too much to ask.
  2. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/13/joe-biden/evidence-scant-joe-biden-was-arrested-protesting-c/ Left off an oldie but goodie.
  3. In what ways is he “more dangerous”? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
  4. https://althouse.blogspot.com/2023/08/why-havent-you-used-your-considerable.html The Spanish word for AOC is payasa 🤡 "Why haven’t you used your considerable clout as a Latina leader to visit the border and highlight the ongoing issues there now, like you did during the Trump administration?" Lulu Garcia-Navarro of the NYT asks Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in "The Evolution of A.O.C./The congresswoman from New York says she’s different from when she first took office. But she’s not ready to call herself an insider." Ocasio-Cortez answers weakly and evasively: Well, this is something that we’re actively planning on. What I have done is tours of our New York-area facilities. Right now, this crisis is in our own backyard, and we have toured the Roosevelt Hotel, and I think it’s been very important for us to — especially to my constituents, who are demanding accountability on this — to look at that front line that is right here in New York City. Garcia-Navarro interrupts: "I want to get to New York, but we’re two and a half years into this administration, the crisis has been burgeoning, and you have been a self-declared and widely viewed leader on this issue." Ocasio-Cortez tries again but has little to improve her answer: Yes, yes. Well, I mean, again, I think that this is something that we have been working on. She says "again" as if Garcia-Navarro missed something the first time, but she did not.
  5. Let the father among us that hasn’t used an alias or two in communications with our son/daughters business entities cast the first stone.
  6. Trump was awful therefore anything Biden, the serial liar that has been a DC fixture for 50 years, has done is fine. That’s the argument you have made over and over. I would ask you to think about that but…. TDS is real.
  7. The board’s only user and excuser of demeaning racial language has once again attempted to project his own repellent views onto others. Pathetic.
  8. You seem to be comfortable with that befuddled old doofus having the final say. So be it. I personally cannot get there.
  9. And later today, someone from the White House will offer a more simple explanation for something he says today. Then again tomorrow. Very likely the next day although he will be on vacation so maybe not. He’s just a normal old man with his finger on the button, mixing things up.
  10. brilliant response. Tiberias-level even. You get what you vote for. In this case, rampant car theft and blaming the car manufacturers for it.
  11. The two cities have more in common than automobile theft. Both have had the “benefit” of uninterrupted one party governance for decades. I wonder if there’s anything at all in the policies enacted over the decades that contributes to today’s problems.
  12. Even in a time when the Big Guy had more on the ball he had flowery words for the klansman Robert Byrd and referred to Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Maybe in addition to being a serial liar with no cognitive impairment he’s one of those part-racists you defend.
  13. I guess that’s how you’ve come to your theory of how people can be part-racists. How do you rate Biden’s lie yesterday about literally convincing Strom Thurmond in 1964? You have repeatedly declared no cognitive decline (your ex-patients deserve refunds) so it has to be a lie, right? I rate it small. Small enough that one wonders why it would ever be told.
  14. Joe Biden (career liar) - he’s brought decency to the White House Nikki - not convinced of her sincerity 🤦‍♂️🤦🤦‍♀️
  15. Based on Quack MD’s diagnosis earlier today, that Biden is free of cognitive decline, a diagnosis that he has consistently uhhhh, diagnosed, I declare there to be nothing to see here. Move along.
  16. I was planning to attend the home opener but now I’m not sure that I can.
  17. Everyone stop whining and just wear the damn mask already! Sucking in toxic chemicals is the least you can do on behalf of your fellow citizens.
  18. You should lodge a complaint with the tribe. Guess it’s easier to whine on a message board about people you don’t agree with.
  19. https://innocenceproject.org/ You should contact this group and let them know they are wasting their time.
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