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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. But not all the time as we see below. There will be some picking and choosing involved. Seemed like something that needs a new thread for a day or so.
  2. Says the guy that believes racial slurs are ok if used appropriately, is an admitted anti Zionist, hates soccer moms for being heard, sees maga nazis around every corner, and believes those that disagree with him are advocates for civil war. Really solid work with this one!
  3. This is what a “significantly improved economy” looks like. What’s so hard to understand about that?
  4. Can you imagine anyone in the world (I know there are several - obviously) that says aloud “get me George Conway. I want his thoughts on this”? Mind boggling.
  5. Please tell us what qualifies one to be a US senator. Please take a good look at the roster of septuagenarian+ clowns currently seated before answering. My take is that even someone with a SUNY-Amherst education could handle it. I know, that’s not saying much. Gosh, I’m glad you’re back. It can’t be easy to show up after such a long suspension for message board dumbassery. Kudos to you!
  6. Ok. Despite you spitting up on yourself fairly regularly and your shrewish “personality”, I am going to believe you and ask you to help me understand this: Majorities of registered voters said they disapproved of how Biden has handled the economy (59%), inflation (63%) and growth of the middle class (58%), according to the poll. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/04/biden-2024-election-poll-trump-economy-old-age-concerns-inflation.html Is it simply the messaging that’s the problem? Shouldn’t a larger percentage of registered voters have benefited in a tangible way from the significantly improved economy?
  7. Unlike you, I do not pretend to be an expert on everything under the sun. Were I to behave as such, I would end up looking like a dumb ass as you have demonstrated yourself to be on so many occasions. In the matter of economics, I am at the mercy of my “betters” in government. I have to hope and trust they know what they are doing. All I can do is look at the results. You can lump me in with the vast majorities that are dissatisfied with the current state of the economy in our country. I will leave it to the Tiberius’s and redhawks of the world to paint a rosy picture of the housing market and other matters relative to Brandonomics.
  8. Imagine having a day’s worth of his posts, like today, unrolled into a single document. The level of unhinged babbling (aka winning) is stunning. An embarrassment.
  9. My understanding is that they are embellishments rather than lies.
  10. The constant edits are interesting. The rush to post incomplete thoughts is reflective of the overwrought mindset I guess.
  11. It would be accurate to say that the review examined whether interventions to promote mask wearing help to slow the spread of respiratory viruses, and that the results were inconclusive. Given the limitations in the primary evidence, the review is not able to address the question of whether mask-wearing itself reduces people's risk of contracting or spreading respiratory viruses. Are you ignoring this from Cochrane? You should start masking again. That way you and everyone in your circle will feel better emotionally and stay covid-free. Between superspreader events like football games, concerts, and packed airplanes along with citizens going about their normal lives, there’s just too much risk out there. Stay safe!
  12. St Fauci, as of this weekend on CNN after being confronted with data, is down to “masks help on an individual level”. I’m not even sure what that means but you seem to disagree. Do you advocate widespread masking despite what the latest data shows? The vaccine, as it became quickly apparent, does not prevent infection or transmission no matter how many times you get it. You want healthy people who are at extremely little risk to continue to get it in order to protect at-risk people despite it not being effective at prevention/transmission. That makes no sense.
  13. Are you suggesting that the vax, masks, and doing your part by staying six feet apart will prevent infection and transmission? Please say that you are.
  14. A rational world where there’s a Nazi around every corner and racist slurs are not racist if they can be classified as “opinions”. 🤦‍♀️🤦🤦‍♂️
  15. One dumbass here says if you are innocent you have nothing to worry about. Who am I supposed to believe?
  16. Rather than ask the same dumbass childish question over and over why don’t you just start another dumbass childish poll?
  17. I will respond in Tiberian/redhawkian fashion: so you believe there should not be an independent Jewish state? Are you an anti-Zionist?
  18. To his credit he’s come back strong, in an unhinged fashion, from what seemed like a mini-hiatus. The hate is flowing!
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