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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Are you aware that the S&P increased by a larger percentage under Trump than it had under Biden? No? If you look it feel free to report back. Whomp whomp
  2. No. I don’t care for that. But please don’t pretend you aren’t in the muck with the insults and name calling. You do quite well in that department.
  3. Don’t forget the Biden master class in foreign policy! Master. Class. classic!
  4. Nobody believes she’s responsible for global markets taking a dump but it’s something for deep thinkers such as yourself to hold onto rather than offer an honest opinion. It’s standard campaign season finger pointing. Even you know that. You aren’t interested in actual argument because you distill everything down to “my side good and pure, yours nazi”. Embarrassing.
  5. I don’t know what he will do to fix “this”. You have yet to say what “this” is or anything about how “this” got broken. As for everything else you typed it’s just your standard brand of childish drivel. On another matter - Do you consider yourself to be book smart? No
  6. What does Kamala offer you? You seem a little perturbed by it all. It should be easy for a loyalist like yourself to pump up your party leadership. Instead you resort to Trump/Lindsay/neonazis/rage bait and any other “deep” thoughts that come up. Very weak.
  7. Great way to say nothing, again. She has literally done nothing. About anything. That’s not up for debate. Her only redeeming quality for anyone supporting her is that she’s not Trump. That’s fine, provided people don’t pretend otherwise. Interesting that your entire reaction to a global market clusterfk is to immediately pivot to Trump. What about the people in charge? Are they merely victims here?
  8. What is it that needs fixing and how did it get broken? Have the people in charge failed us? Or are the people in charge just victims of circumstance? Be specific.
  9. The article and headline are being written now for publication this week: ”Why the market crash is a good thing for Kamala”
  10. Starr-bills has already taken a swing at making it a media-driven matter. Laughable, obviously, but it’s nice that he put the “thought” out there. The entertainment question now - which of the board’s “progressives” will be the first to blame Trump if the market takes a dump? Truly hoping it doesn’t happen but it will be interesting to watch the lefties spin.
  11. You are in your mid 60s allegedly. You have claimed different ages in the past so it’s not a certainty. At what age did you lose the ability to define what a woman is? Seems like a problem that never existed until the last 5 years or less. embarrassing
  12. Karl Rove of the last 15 years is as much a savant as you and you’ve been wrong every step of the way. In this instance, Rove’s “savant” level prediction could be made by a polecat.
  13. We can all agree that anyone (Frankish) that believes Biden to be mentally fit is delusional.
  14. Pretty tortured explanation to minimize the slaughter of tens of thousands on Biden’s watch because the orange man is bad. Whatever you have to tell yourself in service to your political preferences.
  15. Do you feel she’s not up to facing adversity? Because she’s a woman? Misogyny has truly found a home on the left. Sad. Embarrassing.
  16. Always with the dramatics. How will anyone ever take you seriously?
  17. Why is it not as bad? You equate Trump’s actions with allowing people to be slaughtered as a result of dawdling? How, in your mind, does that work? I’m eager to hear your thoughts on this.
  18. A serious failure by the Biden administration. Total disaster. I’m sure future President Harris has a better plan.
  19. Maybe the markets have some inside information on this breaking story. Yikes.
  20. Maybe it’s a transitory situation. Let’s wait for the talking points to be issued before getting all crazy.
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