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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/15/business/auto-workers-strike/index.html The automakers all offered the union double-digit pay hikes but it was not enough to meet the union negotiators’ demands. Double digit pay hike should be more than sufficient with the economy doing so well in this era of Bidenomics. Right?
  2. Newsome is an a-hole in every way imaginable. Meanwhile the Orange Menace doubles down on his covid heroics and tells Megan Kelly he doesn’t have any idea who would have given Fauci a PRESIDENTIAL commendation. He cannot go away soon enough.
  3. Why do I shake my head at this? He’s been lying like this on camera for four decades. Shouldn’t I be used to it by now? Effing LOSER.
  4. Vent away. Just curious about why you talk about yourself all the time. Are you insecure? Rhetorical question.
  5. What leads you to talk about yourself so frequently to a group of about 12 strangers, most of whom you dislike? Do you find yourself so interesting that you just have to share?
  6. Outside of jackass, insecure is the most accurate description. Hard to believe it’s so pronounced in a man of his age but I guess that’s what makes the world interesting. It’s certainly not football that does.
  7. 👆Whines about intellectual dishonesty and assures everyone he will crusade in the name of and immediately pretends to get his panties bunched up over “rascals”. 🤦‍♂️🤦🤦‍♀️
  8. I am but a rube. Would one of the leftist board members be kind enough to educate me on what “San Francisco values” are and how we might recognize them in, uhhh, San Francisco?
  9. Any thoughts on why congress did nothing when it was under total control of democrats for the first two years of the Biden administration?
  10. You are an older version of billstime. What’s to like?
  11. Thanks for stepping up and explaining redhawk’s over-reliance on the laughing emoji. I thought it was just a matter of personal insecurities. In both situations it’s lame.
  12. How does his eye roll use differ from your constant use of the laughing emoji? It’s a rhetorical question.
  13. Good stuff. On Aug 25 you stated “I don’t even know who he is”. Were you playing dumb that day? If so, why?
  14. Gosh. Here I thought you were an expert on everything under the sun. Turns out I gave you too much credit. Apologies!
  15. Held in abeyance until the next time you feign outrage over other’s conduct that you yourself practice. Should be any time now.
  16. At least he took common sense mitigation measures on the mound.
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