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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Sometimes it’s fun to pretend to have an answer for everything. You seem to know that concept well. In general, it’s better to actually know what you are talking about.
  2. Your issues surrounding gayness are interesting to watch unfold. Clearly you are a homophobe. Would be better to just say nothing. I know that’s not in your makeup but I’m just trying to help. Also, you are quite clueless. What do you think the chronological age of someone with the handle JDHillFan is?
  3. “Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.”
  4. It’s 2023. Homophobia is a bad look. I get that you are old but it’s better to say nothing than to let fly with this. Also - drinking and posting isn’t the best idea. See Goofball from Riverside. Not calling you gay. Calling you a creep.
  5. Your words are out there for all to see. All 11 people that frequent this board. Your secret is safe although the personal trainer that declined your business was surely wise to you.
  6. Probably knew of your fondness for slurs and your assumptions that good male dancers are gay. Sad.
  7. Thank you. Truth in reporting and all that. Also thought the board could use a thread for people to discuss Trump.
  8. Would love to see the thread title changed to “Jamal Bowman - embarrassing pathetic democrat sh!tbag loser”
  9. The poster known as C-section (or similar) says live and let live. There are opioid and health care availability crises to worry about. These girls need to learn how to fight.
  10. Not to someone that equates dancing to being gay. Carry on.
  11. “I like this song and dance number. Quick, let me post it in a pride thread” -redhawk
  12. Add homophobe to racist and anti Zionist. Sprinkle in some misogyny. That’s quite a resume you’ve got going.
  13. https://news.yahoo.com/migrants-being-raped-mexico-border-100746725.html Excellent. Welcome!
  14. Until I hear that redhawk and his council of virologists have flipped 180° I’m not so sure. Pangolins and all that.
  15. The Big Guy loves him some Xi. Also loves telling lies.
  16. First I’ve ever heard of this particular canard. You must have done a deep dive for that one.
  17. You seem unwilling to agree the materials, materials that have been shut down when read aloud at school board meetings, don’t belong in schools solely so that you can make a political point.
  18. Do you believe the dems would be as eager in calling for his resignation if the governor of NJ was a republican? We both know the answer to that so let’s not get too excited over the current display of doing the right thing.
  19. Billstime occupies spots one and two. Keep trying as you seem to be on the verge of a breakthrough. Good luck!
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