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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. If you come across anyone in real life that behaves as you do here, waddle away as quickly as possible. They’re creeps.
  2. You’ve done an extraordinary amount of winning the last two days. Congrats to you, especially for this effort. You have to be feeling good about your 63yo self!
  3. He sees no cognitive decline in Joe Biden. Does that give you an idea?
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/06/politics/fact-check-biden-cut-debt-surplus-corporate-tax-unemployment/index.html During a Friday speech about the September jobs report, President Joe Biden delivered a rapid-fire series of three false or misleading claims – falsely saying that he has cut the debt, falsely crediting a tax policy that didn’t take effect until 2023 for improving the budget situation in 2021 and 2022, and misleadingly saying that he has presided over an “actual surplus.” At a separate moment of the speech, Biden used outdated figures to boast of setting record lows in the unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanics and people with disabilities. While the rates for these three groups hit record lows earlier in his presidency, he didn’t acknowledge that they have all since increased to non-record levels – and, in fact, are now higher than they were during parts of Donald Trump’s presidency.
  5. I see that it allegedly needs to be spent by year end. God only knows what awful penalty would await if it weren’t. Mayorcas now says “we are compelled to follow the law”. In order to do so 26 other laws will be waived. Something seems just a touch off. Hopefully Joe gives us his word as a Biden that it’s all on the up and up. Seems like he should have known about all this when he declared not a foot of new wall would be built during his presidency.
  6. Is there a statute of limitations of sorts that requires the money be spent now and that Biden realized his hands were tied a day after the dramatic Mayorcas order? Why wasn’t it spent in the four years since it was appropriated? I don’t know the answers to these questions. I hope you don’t find them too silly and partisan.
  7. Right. They’ve got a monopoly on this one! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦
  8. Based on your inserting Trump into a discussion of democrat entities contradicting each other, I will make the assumption that even though you want to position yourself above the fray, you are not nonpartisan after all. My mistake. Silly me.
  9. In the last few minutes you have told us the GOP definitely doesn’t want it solved, democrats would vote to solve it, the GOP owns the issue, and that democrats are scared by that. Sounds like Washington.
  10. With no comment re: wall good or wall bad, I merely asked who you believed Biden or Mayorcas. The statements from each cannot be reconciled. To you, a nonpartisan no doubt, that is playing a silly partisan game. To me it’s just pointing out another giant helping of DC BS. Isn’t the use of “silly” in line with the calling of names and labeling that you decry above?
  11. Any thoughts on why such a bill was not put forward in 2021-22 when democrats had total control of Washington?
  12. Just seems odd that the big guy would claim his hands are tied after DHS put out the statement. Thanks for sharing.
  13. A question - why hasn’t he done that in the previous 2 3/4 years? Is there a legitimate reason? That’s two questions. Apologies in advance. “There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas,” Alejandro Mayorkas, the DHS secretary, stated in the notice. Who do you believe? Biden or DHS/Mayorcas?
  14. I thought Brandon told Kamala-ma-dingdong to fix all this. What the hell has she been doing?
  15. Page 2. Remarkable restraint shown. Couldn’t have been easy for the li’l fella.
  16. Do you agree with him doing it for any possible reason under the sun other than a fire or similar emergency?
  17. I’m old but not as old as you. I still have the ability to read with discernment. Seeing you struggle with it gives me pause about what lies ahead. I live in Maryland so within a reasonable drive. I would be delighted to meet you at the gym of your choosing and we could do some strength/athletic comparisons. Let me know!
  18. You declared he likes choking people out. Your basis for doing so is a lying gold digger. If you feel good about doubling down on that, by all means. You are an elite. So you’ve told us. Read, old man. Read.
  19. You are big on editing your posts. Why don’t you show some spine and add an editorial note that you were 100% incorrect saying he settled for 300k? You can do it. I believe in you and your quest for truth.
  20. The bigger question is why can’t a self-described elite read a simple article and accurately reflect its contents? I guess you wouldn’t be able to rush to message board judgement if you did that. Read for yourself. Slowly. It’s in The Washington Post - where democracy dies in darkness.
  21. There are numbers involved so it’s little wonder that you are throwing up all over yourself here. A more careful read as opposed to your normal schoolgirl dramatics would have helped you. According to a copy of the settlement agreement obtained by The Washington Post, neither Bauer nor Hill is paying to settle the case, and each will bear their own attorneys’ fees. In a separate agreement, Hill’s insurance company, which had covered her defense, will pay her $300,000, records show. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2023/10/02/trevor-bauer-lindsey-hill-settlement/ Shocking that no criminal charges were filed with such ghastly “injuries” being reported. Do you not agree that the txts and videos from her phone tell a good part of her story?
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