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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. You have outdone yourself with the last couple of posts even with the multiple edits. You are a wonderful messenger. This is spectacular!
  2. At least one of these runs is UTM as one concerned poster coins it.
  3. I understand that you are a touch dim but you have shown today that you know how to use Twitter. That’s a feather in the cap for someone of your abilities. Maybe take a look at the official BLMChicago twitter page. It will clear up your confusion on whether it’s fake or not. Then again you do have a fair amount of John from Riverside in you. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  4. You are free to pretend it’s a fake. Perhaps they were hacked by maga.
  5. This isn’t medicine. It’s the slaughter of everyday people including babies. Everyone is familiar with gallows/black humor. BLM using that imagery was not done in a humorous vein. You are in an infinitesimal minority that finds it clever and/or darkly humorous. Sick. If you knew how to experience shame, now would be the time. Sadly…
  6. This is really what you think of BLM supporting the cause by using imagery of a parachuting assassin of innocents? Gallows humor? This post you would do well to edit. Sick f**k.
  7. That speaks very poorly about everyone else. You are a victim!
  8. “If the Palestinians lay down their weapons, there will be peace. If the Israelis lay down their weapons, there will be a massacre.” Golda Meir
  9. I hear that some Israeli’s didn’t get to say goodbye to their children. Sad situation.
  10. You obviously don’t know much about the Twin Cities though I imagine now you will go off on a tangent about juicy Lucy‘s and Mary Tyler Moore. She’s won three times with 78, 64, 74% of the vote. Her antisemitism hasn’t been a secret during any of those campaigns. She’s a shoe in.
  11. She represents one of the most liberal districts in the nation. One that has a sizable contingent of her fellow Somalis. She can say whatever she wants about Jews and not have a care in the world about it.
  12. Why do you find this preferable to the opposite? I know you’ve compared yourself to Hemingway in this regard but that seems a stretch.
  13. They are just trying to figure out which low-level aide made all this classified info spillage happen to Biden. I would not want to be that person!
  14. Went from “tried” to “did” pretty quickly didn’t you? All while making it sound like republicans bent the dem supermajority to their will. I guess this democrat success in the face of (toothless) republican opposition is why we never hear about healthcare as an issue these days.
  15. You are big on comments like “and you have proof of this” “that’s not evidence” and similar. One such similar comment is the first sentence above. You immediately follow up with the bolded. Wtf??? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦
  16. Wonderful heartwarming news. Makes me think all the kill the Jews stuff might be disinformation. Thanks for sharing this real life experience.
  17. The OSINT professional hasn’t even finished his bachelors degree. Doesn’t mean he’s not an expert but I have had the advantage of working with people in his age group. Brilliant individuals that don’t know sh*t.
  18. And you know a Palestinian that doesn’t hate Jews. Will stay tuned for further developments. Keep ‘em coming!
  19. This must be the gray area stuff one prolific (in post quantity only) poster has mentioned so many times.
  20. No. I’ve been assured everyone crashing our border is merely trying to escape violence. Nothing to be concerned with.
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