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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. I have no problem with mocking Jack P. I just prefer it be done with a measure of wit. Is there anyone funny in your house that can help out?
  2. Comedy? Satire? Sarcasm? Falls well short of the mark regardless. You will never get hired at The Bee if you stay this course. Very weak.
  3. Being sent to one of America’s great metropolis’s where they can commit low-level offenses if they so choose without fear of prosecution or deportation now amounts to human trafficking and putting families in danger. Why can’t they all just stay under a bridge in Texas??
  4. Apparently immigrant families are in less danger under a bridge in El Paso as opposed to a hotel in NYC. It’s very possible there is some truth to that. Sad.
  5. And if no states want to work with border states then border states just need to suck it up and deal? Tell us about the accommodations for these people in Texas vs anywhere else and how it constitutes “harming families”. Did these families have plans laid out for Eagle Pass? The whole sanctuary city business was nothing more than virtue signaling by democrat politicians to try to prove moral superiority over the awful people in border areas being overrun. It’s evil that people of your thinking are willing to crap on places like El Paso so long as “sanctuaries” don’t have to put their money where their virtue signaling once was. Isn’t sharing the burden what liberals were once all about?
  6. Looks like 50 Venezuelans got the short end of the stick by being sent somewhere awful instead of their destination of choice. And the buses from Texas? Tricked? Human trafficking…why the over the top hyperbole about what’s been happening? Are you equally concerned about the flights that have sent migrants, apparently under several administrations, to destinations uncertain? I don’t recall “human trafficking” complaints from you when that was in the news.
  7. Next up from J from R - “it’s not even made from paper!”
  8. Generally considered to have happened 1939-1945 though the US did not become involved until 1941. You’re welcome.
  9. Playing loose with “human trafficking” aren’t you? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/migrants-ron-desantis-planes-buses-greg-abbott-marthas-vineyard-dc/ Are the state operations legal? When migrants are released by federal officials, they are allowed to travel to a U.S. destination of their choosing. And they can get there through various means, including the buses and planes that some Republican governors are offering them. It's not illegal for states to transport migrants if it's voluntary. While critics have accused states of human trafficking and kidnapping, no proof has emerged that migrants have been forced on buses or planes. If the transportation involves coercion or false information, however, civil or criminal liability is possible, lawyers said. Representatives for Texas and Arizona said their migrant busing operations to D.C., New York and Chicago are voluntary, noting they ask migrants to sign consent waivers.
  10. https://www.britannica.com/art/satire Educate yourself. No need to thank me.
  11. Can you identify any area on the globe that’s better off because of Joe Biden’s presidency? I personally disagree with the answer of America and the right track/wrong track polling would agree. Anywhere else that you can think of?
  12. Dude and his wife are a real pair. I think Schumer recently called him a dedicated public servant. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/04/nyregion/nadine-menendez-mercedes-death.html It was a cold evening in December 2018, and Nadine Arslanian, the soon-to-be wife of Senator Robert Menendez, was zipping through the darkened streets of suburban New Jersey in a black Mercedes-Benz sedan. She would later tell the police she did not see the man stepping out in front of her to cross a busy thoroughfare. The crash that ensued just after 7:30 p.m. killed the man, Richard Koop, 49, almost instantly. His body was thrown to the curb just steps from his home and badly mangled, according to the Bergen County medical examiner. Prosecutors said in those charging papers that Ms. Menendez needed a car so badly after a December 2018 “accident” that the senator, a Democrat, was willing to try to suppress an unrelated criminal prosecution for a New Jersey businessman in exchange for a $60,000 Mercedes convertible. The fatal collision with Mr. Koop on Dec. 12 matches prosecutors’ terse description of the December 2018 crash.
  13. How are you measuring this? Certainly not by body count or any projected end date for the war in the Ukraine.
  14. Those are the nice Hamas. How come we only ever hear about the mean Hamas that hacks babies to pieces? The people they met……good lord. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦
  15. Since you edited - if the insult sent you into such a tizzy was it, in fact, done poorly? Seems like it might have hit the mark rather squarely. Kudos to the insulter for a well-played effort. Either way, all my best to you as you navigate the internet. Doesn’t seem like it will end well.
  16. Gosh. Just a few short hours ago you were admonishing your townsman/mini-me about name calling. Manic!
  17. Can any of you that lean left point out an area of the globe that might be seen as better off since the Big Guy has been in office?
  18. Good that you can multitask and respond to every post anyone might make while searching for your dogs. Impressive. Also sending my best to lil billsy. It can’t be easy being chastened by his future self even if it’s been done in the most self-unaware way imaginable.
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