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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Not only kicked out but even being exterminated in some! Wild! 🤦‍♂️🤦
  2. Not a single place on the globe is in better shape because of Joe Biden’s presidency. You are conducting a master class in fantasy. Master. Class.
  3. Hoax. I know “master class” is the trendy phrase but it is already in need of redefinition if this is how it’s going to be used. You cannot name a spot on the globe that is in an improved state as a result of Joe Biden’s presidency. Such a place does not exist.
  4. Literal genocide!! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦
  5. It seems likely that you don’t understand the meaning of either “literally” or “genocide”. If I have that wrong please tell us how they are literally committing genocide.
  6. This one probably is true. Score one for Goofball from Riverside.
  7. Allow me to respond with the sort of idiocy that you have made your trademark: you love hamas and should move to Gaza.
  8. Huh? Since you would not answer the question posed, here is what the NYT reports: Insurrection charges are considered difficult to prove and are exceedingly rare. While many people have called the events of Jan. 6 an “insurrection,” the Justice Department has not charged any rioters with that crime. You need to apologize and admit you do not have the balls to answer a straightforward question.
  9. Is it true that not a single one of the insurrectionists has been charged with….insurrection? You seem like a sharp guy. Can you help me understand this contradiction?
  10. 1. Chemical warfare is generally considered a no-no. I’m sure the world would just shrug their collective shoulders at the use of ricin or similar. 2. While rockets made from piping that was intended for the water supply rain down, the Israeli’s should be patient and go with targeted assassinations? 3. Why hasn’t anyone ever thought of that?
  11. Let’s hear an idea. All you’ve been doing is whining that Israel is being too hard on the people that slaughtered their citizens.
  12. Tensions around the world are certainly inflamed on his watch. Maybe if Israel would just stand down and take the L everything would be ok.
  13. How about this a-hole in the employ of the ironically named NY Intelligencer? He should deep-six the “journalism” and learn to code. Good lord.
  14. Though it looks like you have recently been surpassed in terms of fervor, you have long been the board’s leading anti-Zionist. From that rather odious perspective what do YOU think Biden should do?
  15. Don’t forget about the soccer mom threat and the nazis goose stepping down Main Street USA.
  16. Once upon a time, perhaps. Media outlets, no matter which side they are on, are no longer about reporting. They are about advocating. Everyone knows that. Seeing these journalists as truth seekers is more than a little naive. https://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/25/opinion/the-public-editor-is-the-new-york-times-a-liberal-newspaper.html
  17. You must have missed the intellectualism (good in journalism) in the changing headlines and reporting in the NYT, aka “The Paper of Record” over the last 48-72 hours. Your hiatus did nothing for your “awareness”. Pity.
  18. The point is that people like you have to paint things with an extreme brush. You will go to the mat over the literal definition of sanctuary city and immediately follow it up with nonsense about “human trafficking” and crossing state lines as though that’s something new and terrible. Why not make your case without the dramatics? Since it’s something that you and the late, un-great redhawk do regularly, does that make it a liberal thing?
  19. Fraudulently inducing…..good one. Still zeroed in on the claims of the Martha’s Vineyard 50? Human trafficking! What’s banal is thinking these migrants are better off living under a bridge in El Paso. Because if they go anywhere else their families are in danger. Right?
  20. It’s the kind of thing that leads to referring to the transfer of migrants from one city to another as “human trafficking”. There’s always a need for some to sensationalize.
  21. Sad state of affairs with today’s leftists.
  22. Thought I would post something nice for the fans of the Big Guy. The photo looks like it may have been retouched but that’s not the point. Go Brandon Go! away
  23. In addition to all the innocent people that have been slaughtered, prayers up for the forgotten victims; i.e., the Jew-haters in the trans community.
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