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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Wow! 8! That’s super-duper! They probably enjoy your comments like “there were gay people there but that’s ok”. Or maybe you save that sort of thing for when you operate in anonymity. Either way that’s really impressive! You are a Facebook ally!
  2. Did you know that redhawk changed his name to Joe Ferguson Forever? Sadly he’s back to sullying Fergie’s name with his drunken babbling but whatever. He must have multiple accounts. LAME! You should call him out.
  3. Expecting J from R to chime in with “nobody could have foreseen that”.
  4. How does your racist language and homophobia shoehorn into that?
  5. Hence the need for a little savvy on occasion. It’s easier than you think.
  6. You are not very sharp but I am here to help if you are able to follow along. You to Irv - I’m trying to take you seriously Me to you - that says more about you than him. IN OTHER WORDS…why in the living hell would you be trying to take him seriously? Irving has you guys just lapping it up. Show some savvy for chrissakes.
  7. I’m trying to take you seriously That says more about you than about him. See if you can borrow a thinking cap from someone and put it on.
  8. Democrats need to focus on the foreign policy MASTER CLASS The Big Guy is conducting. Master. Class. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦
  9. In the past you have blamed church messaging for mass murderers….and for displaying nazi flags.
  10. Like redhawk was quick to remind everyone upon the slaughter of Israelí families, the whole Gaza hospital electricity vs rocket/tunnel needs is a gray area. Let’s not be too quick to judge.
  11. Really makes me wonder what message the President of the United States, the alleged leader of the free world, was sending by sitting down with such a marginal “celebrity”. Surely he had more important things to do. I guess we’ll never know.
  12. Inflamed global tensions are all part of the Biden Diplomacy Master Class. Absolutely nothing to be concerned about. Joe’s got this!
  13. I’m going to reserve judgement until I hear from Moms for Liberty. If those hateful soccer loving white supremacist nazis are on board, I AM OUT!
  14. Notice you didn’t answer any of the questions about POTUS motivations for sitting for the interview. Surely he was trying to send a message of some sort. It’s called, as you noted prior, virtue signaling. It happens on both sides. I am getting trolled. Every single day by those that would have me believe that it’s normal and proper to minimize real mothers, wives, sisters and daughters by magnifying people like Dylan Mulvaney. And by people like you that would prefer I look away.
  15. The minor internet celebrity that had a one-on-one interview with Joe Biden. Why did the president take part in that? Was he virtue signaling? Was he further normalizing trans people/agenda? I imagine we can agree there is nothing normal about it. Was he telling kids “it’s cool to be trans?” Maybe the President of the United States was just helping the minor internet celebrity with a tiny social media influencer gig.
  16. Can you explain this further? Is the trans market segment that large that any business entity imaginable should pander to it?
  17. This is just another example of the Joe Biden foreign policy master class that we are blessed to witness. Master. Class.
  18. Bud Light threw up on themselves and, in the phrasing of the genius that promoted Mr Mulvaney, told their customers they didn’t like them. Bud Light paid a very substantial price for it. Now they can attempt to recover, which they will. It was never going into perpetuity. What won’t recover is skillet’s reputation for sardonic commentary. Exceedingly weak and un-clever effort on his part. Frankish probably likes it. They seem to have a similar bent for “wit”.
  19. Lefty dropping the mask on how he feels about factory workers. I for one am shocked at this development.
  20. I was hopeful that President Brandon’s historic picket line visit was going to be the catalyst for a settlement. Oh well.
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