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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. I’m not surprised in the least but am very sorry about your inability to follow along. Luckily I am here to help. Please read slowly: 1. You respond to a post by Billstime, a poster that until redhawk came along, was the most toxic and childish person on the board. Your response was, to paraphrase, how you couldn’t believe what a loser Mexican Trump twitter person must be and how they like, have no family or friends, right? Right. I tend to agree. 2. I respond to you, mostly using your own words, to turn the light towards billstime,THE POSTER YOU WERE RESPONDING TO, as he is a similar loser based on his unending, tiresome Trump obsession and malignant “personality”. He posts the same unoriginal garbage over and over and over. Thousands of times. Like, he must have no friends or family, right? Do you tend to agree? 3. You respond with the above. Perhaps you are engaging in sad, pathetic deflection. I think it’s more likely that you are just dim.
  2. Can you believe someone, like the poster you are responding to, has so little going on in their life that they would post about the orange menace thousands of times and use the same orange memes and gifs over and over and over for years on end? Like, they have no family or friends right?
  3. The poster with the handle C-Section (or similar) refers to this as a Biden foreign policy master class. Master. Class. The things people will type. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦
  4. How does it help the people there? In a very imperfect manner of course. Looking forward to learning something from you.
  5. “but I've danced around gay people. no biggie” - redhawk in the pride flag thread
  6. https://www.caclubindia.com/wealth/chuck-schumer-net-worth/ One of us has bad data. Based on the preponderance of links estimating Schumer’s net worth being between 70-80M, I say it’s you.
  7. Normal and proper. No one here should care as it does not personally affect them. Live and let live. There are opioid and health care availability crises to worry about. Also - those field hockey players assigned female at birth need to toughen up. I think I covered most of the bases. Let’s just hope that the family of the girl that had her face rearranged by a dude has health care coverage.
  8. I see in another thread where Pinhead from Riverside declares this all to be business as usual and nothing to be concerned about. I’m going to wait for Tiberius to concur before I get on board.
  9. Kind of ballsy going this direction after subjecting us earlier to the cheetoh-dust line. Frankish is more clever than that and he’s not funny at all. Maybe he can mentor you.
  10. Did you come up with that one all by yourself? Can’t wait for the encore.
  11. But Mr Hamas promising the extermination of Jews is worthy of turning into a joke. All in good fun for you apparently. Nice work.
  12. I don’t plan to go back and search but I suspect you have made no such attempts at humor that would be directed at Hamas/Gaza. That you are comfortable doing so as it relates to the Israelis tell us everything we need to know. Looking forward to an asinine non-sequitur response as that is your go-to when you act like a creep.
  13. Israel just needs to stand down. A generation of young Muslims might end up Jew haters. Can’t risk that.
  14. Classic J from R. I guess we should all celebrate the one day of the year. It’s called freedom after all. It’s just a shame about the other 364 days. Think, pinhead.
  15. Very good work. Kudos to you. I’m not in the habit of fact checking twitter.
  16. For those that accept news coming from Gaza at face value.
  17. ^^^^^^ The only question now is will we see some Lewiston on Lewiston crime? This is the sort of thing that normally sends l’il billsy into a name-calling rage. Does he break out a FREAK or SIMP on his future self, aka Billstime Sr?
  18. No but no surprise that you are unaware. He merely published information that showed how twitter censored information in concert with government agencies. I would think that you, as a self-described independent, would be happy when journalists shine a light on such things. I guess you are a different sort of independent.
  19. 8 friends but who’s counting (their gay friends)?
  20. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/23/arts/television/matthew-perry-friends-lovers-and-the-big-terrible-thing.html Good book. He narrates the audio version of it. He had many difficulties along the way. RIP.
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