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Biden is Mentally Fit

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Everything posted by Biden is Mentally Fit

  1. Agree. I suspect the median voter remembers well being told that public protest was fine and a public health imperative, superspreading be damned, while small businesses and churches were still shuttered.
  2. Please tell us what the median voter remembers from that summer. If anyone here represents the median voter, it is surely you.
  3. As someone that wants the country gayer, shouldn’t you be applauding creative wiener usage?
  4. Minnesota has never been considered a rust belt state. The Twin Cities are as modern and liberal as you will find in America and rule the day over the rest of the state.
  5. Where did you get that from? Me saying I had no heartburn with his tenure equates to every substantive policy, every executive order and decision being “just wonderful”? Who are you, Redhawk? I wasn’t a big fan of rolling back overtime pay below Obama era guidelines though it was no impact to me or my immediate family. Changes/restrictions to the H-1B program was a miss in my book.
  6. Is it wrong to dislike someone and view them as unworthy of the office of president?
  7. Oh. Goalpost shifting. Got it. His handling of Covid was an abomination. Not in the same way you believe it to be an abomination. Beyond that, his time in office did not give me heartburn. He’s just an awful self-serving jackass and a disaster for the Republican Party. For his part, the mentally fit guy has been a lying, self-serving embarrassment his entire 50+ year stay in Washington. I’ve never defended a thing he’s done. The whole “threat to democracy” routine is hysterical, tired, and stale. The people that say it, other than you, don’t even believe it.
  8. His badmouthing Kemp this past Saturday. Is that action recent enough? How about his childish name-calling. Is that suitable as a purity test? How about his willingness to call the sky blue in the morning, green in the evening, and deny ever calling it blue? Does that work for you? How about hawking bibles? Are those considered actions or are you now going to change the goalposts? This is hysteria befitting Tiberius. Sad.
  9. Buzzfeed finally steps up where not a single other person in the country was able to come through.
  10. Hope that name doesn’t gnaw at you. Hard to believe you were dumb enough to go all out on the mentally fit routine. I find it ridiculous when the blue team here tells us how wonderful the markets have done under the mentally fit one while ignoring the superior market performance under the previous guy. Even you, an individual that is an expert on everything, broke out a “Not.Bad.At.All” in reference to the S&P performance under President Mentally Fit. That was funny. Did you know it’s possible to intensely dislike Biden, Harris, and Trump at the same time?
  11. Good to know you are here to divine the intentions of assorted conversations. Will definitely be handy.
  12. No. It’s that you came in midway through a “conversation” and proceeded to act like you knew the genesis of it. Since you are mostly out to lunch here, I will summarize it for you: board lefties - stocks have gone to the moon on my guy’s watch! me - did you know that the Dow and S&P performed even better under the last guy? Here’s a data nugget. you - you aren’t supposed to use data that way and all you are doing is saying my guy is better than your guy. Nobody is telling you not to jump in midstream and assume whatever you want. It might be your thing. I wouldn’t know. Whatever the case, impressive work on your part.
  13. That’s only because you appear to have difficulty with following along. It happens.
  14. Incorrect. Some might say “hoax”. Now if you have data that shows the S&P and Dow performing better under the current administration than the previous one, let ‘er rip. There’s a handful of lefties here that will cheer it on.
  15. Just shining a light on some data for a couple excitable lefties crowing about market performance under our Rushmore-worthy president. Always good to have data, don’t you think?
  16. And how did your internship become a full-time position? It’s ok to give yourself credit even if it undercuts your previous comment. Go for it!
  17. Comparing Trump and Biden at this point in their presidencies: 10.6% higher increase in the Dow with the bad orange man in office and a 9.7% gain in the S&P. Why settle for the moon? Maybe you just aren’t market savvy. You are, however, a very ardent cheerleader even in the face of data that refutes whatever point you try to make.
  18. What is it about today that has you posting so frequently as compared to the recent past? Is something happening today that has you worked up?
  19. If that’s your take on today this must be your first campaign season. Otherwise this is just Tiberius level garbage. Either way, nice job.
  20. How badly did the Frankish’s of the world have to delude themselves to believe it. Hilarious and embarrassing.
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