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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. Too bad her momma didn't.
  2. Perhaps you should have practiced more.
  3. Ask Prince.
  4. Maybe it's you? Sorry for your loss.
  5. The monkeys at the zoo do this all the time.
  6. Powerful stuff.
  7. Is your premise that your head is conscious longer after being physically separated from your entire body (including obviously your heart) than it is after your heart has bullets fired through it?
  8. To take it a step further, maybe there's bleedthrough often and they only checked the film there closely because they were reviewing why the alarm went off. More causal than coincidence.
  9. Why buy milk when you can have a cow for free?
  10. So who is the hottest chick you want to punch?
  11. If I ordered them, hell yes I want them!
  12. I see no reason it couldn't dispense into a bottle and either screw a cap on for you or dispense one separately.
  13. It's nothing you can't do yourself. Just put a rubber band around the old coin purse and wait. Much cheaper than a co-pay.
  14. Did you see the rack on her? 1:31 of the video Oh, and it turns out her husband is a transgender.
  15. It seems that only 21 posts made it into that thread before jw declared you winner. Is that because you're Canadian and it's a metric thing?
  16. There was a Law and Order about this recently where people were being duped by a "tax adviser" into having their elderly folks with cancer cared for by a homeopathic doctor to guarantee they died in 2010 so his commission would be higher. In one case at the end of 2009 the "tax adviser" insisted on excessive chemotherapy to ensure the patient made it into 2010.
  17. I don't get how this jackhole thought he would get away with it. He killed her and then left her body in a room under his own name. Oh, allegedly.
  18. To each his own I guess. To me she looks like someone taught Mr. Ed to walk on his hind legs and gave him a quick shave and some implants.
  19. It was taken aback seeing Daniel Dae Kim (Jin) speak without his accent.
  20. He was down too long in the midnight sea.
  21. Swollen penis, high blood pressure and a racing heart? Are we sure he wasn't hit by a Hummer?
  22. I agree. Time feels continuous.
  23. http://www.engrish.com/
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