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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. Yes the dosage and concentration would have to be just right. They wouldn't want to make it too strong and kill people extra-dead.
  2. Earnings before I tricked the dumb auditor.
  3. Looks like Whiskey Uniform Delta to me. Maybe if you practiced those stuffy regs more...
  4. Saw Willis McGahee at Friday's the same night Marshawn Lynch stole $5 from me at the bar.
  5. This was my favorite part. Well done.
  6. In his defense, it's probably extremely hard to kick field goals with a big floppy dolphin tail and no external genitalia.
  7. I wish you'd get off the fence about this Leech guy. Do you like him or not?
  8. There are 10 kinds. Those that know binary and those that don't.
  9. There is a particular player I want on this team, who will be gone by the second pick (assuming he declares). I am not saying "the higher the better", especially with who the Bills have doing the scouting. Even Modrak can't blow it if they have the #1. I don't trust him one bit once that player is off the board. This is about the #1 pick this coming year. Not about the Lions and the multitude of WRs they took every year. Luck on this team next year would (IMO) do more toward winning than "learning how to win" a (standings-wise) meaningless game the previous November. None of my previously stated opinions mean I didn't enjoy the game yesterday.
  10. No one's talking about a strategy. No one's talking about the team purposely trying to lose. We're fans, not players trying to blow games. No, but tomorrow wins are better than a today win. Especially in a season in which they were out of the playoffs by week 8.
  11. I enjoyed the game but still would have preferred a loss. The win will feel good for 7 days. Quarterback of the future would help the team for a decade. Flame away.
  12. I made a fruit fly trap recently with an inverted paper cone in the top of a jar with a couple rotting grapes inside. It worked great but then I had to keep opening the jar every couple days outside to release them. I had another problem with giant black wolf spiders. One of them was so big when I shined my flashlight down the stairs, its eyes glowed back at me and I thought it was a mouse. So I started capturing them and putting them in a jar as well to watch them fight. Then I had an epiphany and now I have one jar with rotting grapes and a wolf spider. The fruit flies get in and get eaten by the spider. I no longer h ave to let the fruit flies out outside. Plus its fun to watch.
  13. Forgot Seahawks, Panthers, and Falcons
  14. I think he means you'll break your neck if you DO wear them (off the field when they can't dig in) and that's why they weren't on earlier.
  15. Every time there is a new reply in this thread I cannot stop myself from re-watching the first 0:02 of the video.
  16. Yeah! Shut up and stop having opinions!
  17. To paraphrase: This team is the worst in history, just like it used to be.
  18. I guess that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano.
  19. Yes but the effect of drinking one of these is rather like having your brains smashed out with a slice of lemon, wrapped around a large gold brick.
  20. I remember the fir tree one from last year. How nasty!
  21. Agreed. Why else say "it’s an issue both will worry about when and if it becomes reality" if it's about the current arrangement?
  22. Why does it take so long to get to us? Aren't Sun burps electromagnetic radiation just like the light it gives off? That takes 8 minutes 20 sec to get here IIRC.
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