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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. Right? And if he was sensing that something was amiss he also must be sensing that Jesse was in on it for making Gus go to the Hospital. They didn't make it seem like Gus saw Walt but that doesn't mean that he didn't.
  2. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/136189-hitler-on-the-bills-victory-over-the-pats/page__view__findpost__p__2268445
  3. Mmmm crickets. Link1 Link2
  4. Could have sworn it was Carpe Diem but I bow to your superior intellect as you have a demonstrated history of dropping some serious knowledge.
  5. Cleveland is the winner here, I think. Much like our own Sabres have both "Buffalo" and "Sabres" represented on their logo, the Browns helmet represents both "Cleveland" and the "Browns" as it is an extreme closeup of a Cleveland Steamer.
  6. I suppose you also don't rely on the military when you need a war fought. How do you even find time to follow football or make fun of Canadians with all the time you must spend on the phone contacting every electronics chip manufacturer that's in anything you own in order to make sure you're not subject to anything surreptitious? And you should brush up on your German as well. Mea Culpa is German not Greek. The Greeks were too busy planning the Pearl Harbor thing to have come up with that on their own.
  7. This is far from your best schtick.
  8. Yes, I do. I'm saying it never occurred to me that her vehicle would be tracked by a piece of hardware for which we never had a subscription. It has an XM radio in it too, should I have to do something to make sure those folks aren't tracking her too? Should I have to make sure the "Can you hear me now" guy isn't listening in to all our household conversations by remotely activating my old cell phone that's laying around not being used? How would someone repairing their own vehicle with used parts show up in a title search?
  9. WTF are you talking about? title searches to find out if a car I'm buying is going to be tracked by an inactive OnStar subscription? Perhaps it's on me to check to make sure whoever designed the car vents didn't install a webcam.
  10. ...soooo annoying. When there are like 5 of them all standing on the same corner and I just refused the card from your 4 friends, what makes you think I'll take yours Mr. 5thOneInLine? And they're not all guys. One fugly mexican toadwoman tried to hand me one. I asked if it was her number on there but she just looked at me all confused. No habla I'd imagine.
  11. Jenny from the block.
  12. Liquor? I hardly know her.
  13. I have one day left of my business trip and the "business" part is all but over. What should I be sure to see in my one remaining day? Today I covered from the MGM Grand to Harrah's but without a real plan I'm sure I missed a lot. Absolutely loved the fountains at the Bellagio.
  14. I nominate this post for "best use of the bag-on-the-head" emoticon ever.
  15. Why should parents keep their kids form eating "rum flavored" ice cream? Are you saying it will contribute to them becoming alcoholics? They have rum flavored life savers for crap's sake. Maybe I should keep my kids from chewing Big Red or eating licorice to keep them from downing shots of Goldschlager or Sambuca when I turn around.
  16. My wife's Yukon has OnStar in it from before we bought it used. We never signed any contract but thanks for playing.
  17. Some people will never be happy with power rankings until they exactly match the standings. Then they'll B word because it's redundant.
  18. I was making a revolting joke.
  19. I'd imagine the FDA wouldn't allow that.
  20. I don't agree with the protest against the ice cream but your argument is stupid.
  21. At the risk of taking the bait (if that was bait) - that's acceleration in a vacuum, not a velocity.
  22. Reminds me of a story I heard years ago (may not be true or might be a scene from a movie for all I know) about a bar that had a poster of a naked man over the urinal in the (one person) men's room. There was some kind of flap covering the groin area of the man in the poster that would flash the lights in the bar (not the bathroom) whenever a curious customer lifted it to see what was underneath. All the regulars knew what that meant.
  23. Agree with this wholeheartedly.
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