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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. "Buffalo Bills: Quarterback J.P. Losman attempted five real passes during his rookie season. He will learn that reading defense on film and reading them in a game is not unlike switching from Dr. Seuss to James Joyce." "Dallas Cowboys: We're not sure if he's the best quarterback named Drew on this team" "[T]he Cowboys won't win it all because Bledsoe holds the ball longer than Kobe Bryant." http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/3830736
  2. I guess I'd have to agree with that in principle. From a team owner standpoint however; the more teams in the playoffs, the better. If they can fit 4 more teams in, and only make it take a week longer due to the best of three first round, I can see why they'd want to. As a fan, you always hope that even if your team just sneaks in the back door, they can make some noise when they get there.
  3. http://www.wgr550.com/fullstory.php?id=0968 "No longer on the list is the plan to increase playoff participation to 20 teams from 16. That's going to be reconsidered next year but given the NHL's plan to take a break for the Turin Olympics it doesn't seem to make sense to make the season longer this year. The original idea of going to 20 teams would have seen an extra mini-playoff round with a best-of-three series in each conference between the seventh, eighth, ninth and 10th-ranked teams."
  4. The playoff format remains unchanged. Where did you get the idea that it was regressing?
  5. Wow, look at April! 3 games against the Leafs, 2 Canadiens, and 2 Senators. Only 2 non-division games in the last calendar month of the season.
  6. I had the same problem once. Turned out a mouse chose there to die.
  7. Translation: "You fans think he sucks, but we are the professional talent evaluators, so we hope you'll buy the fact that you must be missing something. Here, drink some kool-aid... You are getting very sleepy..."
  8. Moving the net back toward the end boards generates a larger offensive zone, and gives more room for your skaters, allowing them to generate more scoring chances.
  9. That should help with the dehydration.
  10. UFA buying period begins Aug 1st. Link
  11. So with the renewed interdivision play, and since Buffalo drafts at 13 and will not get Crosby, are you rooting for him to go to one of the in division teams left (Montreal, Ottawa) in order to see him in person more often, or would you rather not have to have Buffalo play him as often?
  12. C'mon! Call the Rangers already...
  13. Your post just reminded me of something unrelated to this thread, but a funny story nonetheless: I work on an antiterrorism mission with the Navy at the Indian Point nuke plant about an hour north of NYC. There are four Navy guys onboard at any one moment to run the boats, and two Army personnel who handle the weapons, watch the river, and try to solve differential equations by counting on their fingers and toes. One day, one of the Army guys decides he wants to do some fishing, but doesn't have much to choose from in the way of bait. He does some rummaging and finds a solitary piece of sausage that seems to have fallen off someone's plate during breakfast. By "piece", I mean bite-size piece, not an entire link. So his plan was to catch a fish with this lone piece of bait, then cut up the first fish he catches and use it to catch more fish. The first fish he caught (like 99% of the fish caught in that particular area) was a catfish. He gets the thing on deck, and then realizes he hasn't thought his plan through entirely. He doesn't have anything to cut the fish up with. So he goes on scavenger hunt number two. I get bored with watching him and find something else to do for a few minutes. The next time I see him, he has the poor fish on the deck with his boot on its head, and he's got two more remnants from breakfast: a plastic fork in one hand, and a plastic knife in the other, and he's giving it all he has to try and slice and dice through the catfish's armor. Keeping in mind that this is not the kind of high-quality plasticware you would get for $.96 for a set of 16 of them at Walmart. This is the kind of plastic cutlery purchased by the lowest bidder. They bend under their own weight. Sorry if that was a "you had to be there" story but the fish's eyes looking up at him like :D , combined with the sweat pouring down the soldier's beet-red face as he sawed away like a caveman trying to start a fire with two sticks struck me as hilarious.
  14. I am going to leave THAT one alone.
  15. is there a site do to calculate, currency exchanges Have a homework project. My professor's instructions was to use the internet. This hard working college student/bills fan thanks you.
  16. Firefox is a browser. Foxfire is a movie where you get to see Angelina Jolie's goods.
  17. Please 'splain this one..
  18. This one is a classic: When he is good and asleep, rub a raw hotdog around his lips and in his mouth. When he wakes up suddenly, turn around and pretend to zip up your pants. Good times.
  19. Try this one: http://www.xgenstudios.com/play/fishy Eat smaller fish to grow bigger. Avoid bigger fish to survive. Apparently, you are the only fish in the ocean that has the ability to change depth. Enjoy! I got 10044 and to level 8 my first try.
  20. Color me surprised not to see a post from FFS in a topic requesting two-word responses.
  21. Question: Answer:
  22. Maybe you should see all the episodes before opening your yap about them leaving something out. You must have missed his backstory.
  23. Rumor has it Lindsay turned down the part in the commercial because she'd have to take a bite of something.
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