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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. (Someone once wondered) Why do dogs stick their head out the window to enjoy the stiff wind at 55mph but get all pissed off at a gentle breeze when you blow on their nose at home?
  2. For me, the best line was when Sawyer was encouraging Hurley to go do laundry with Libby. (Paraphrase:) "I know you've got a load that you need to drop in"
  3. Hey, if you don't include those 35 games when his team happened to score more than the other team, he is 0-46! Off with his head!
  4. I have it for my phone in .mp3 format. PM me your email address and I'll send it. You should be able to convert it to whatever format you need. Anyone else wants it, please let me know. In fact, if you have Verizon I might be able to send it directly to your phone.
  5. My 2 1/2 year old was on the pot today and I told him to "show that turd who's boss" in reference to the same scene. He told me that "The turd is boss" without realizing I would be laughing about that one for the next five minutes.
  6. So if prunes are dried plums, where the hell do we get prune juice from??
  7. You are correct sir.
  8. The whistle blew at the leper hockey game for the face-off at the blueline.
  9. My wife is bipolar and she agreed as well, but then she changed her mind.
  10. A little punctuation (or capitalization) is the only difference between "I helped my Uncle Jack off the horse" and "I helped my Uncle jack off the horse".
  11. I like it. But if they were cloning "good" people, how would that make them faster/stronger? Why do they seem to have a thing for children?
  12. Good call. 5-0 early in the second.
  13. Anyone able to get this link to work?
  14. The flashbacks are strange. Shannon has a flashback to being in the hospital, and we see Jack run past her. She never knew Jack and probably didn't even see him rush past, but there he is when she has a flashback.
  15. . . . Says a fan of an AFC team who is 0-3 vs the NFC
  16. I remember the protests at the Masters. There was a guy in the background holding up a giant sign that read: "Iron my shirt". It was funny as hell.
  17. I had what I thought was allergies since high school. Sounds like what you are describing Dan, but mine would last much longer, usually the rest of the day. Benadryl would help but make me very drowsy. I had all the allergy tests done and they found a slight allergy to dust mites but thats most people. I finally went to see an ear, nose and throat doctor about a year ago. He said I had a slightly deviated septum, an inflamed somethingorother, and I don't remember what else. The point is, he gave me a prescription for Nasonex. The next day I had another one of my "attacks", but I haven't had a single one since. The Dr. said the medicine doesn't work immediately and thats why I had the single attack but that there is no reason I can't stay on the spray indefinitely. Two quick sprays in each nostril once a day (I do it right after the shower when my nose is clearest) and I can breathe better than I ever remember being able to breathe before. I am also able to sleep much better breathing through my nose which I never could do before. If it bothers you bad enough, get it checked out. I don't know why I waited so long.
  18. Have you tried asking her if you can?
  19. Can these form letters be effective?
  20. The Bucs requested to wear their lighter colored road jerseys for the game. Didn't the Bills have to agree to that, or was that between the Bucs and the NFL and the Bills had to just follow along? I'm not saying it had much (if anything) to do with the outcome of the game, but if the Bills had no say, that seems blatently unfair.
  21. Not to mention just plain impossible!
  22. Christ Himself is going to descend on a Ritz cracker to play quarterback.
  23. What's your pregame ritual for away games? Listen to local radio? Watch local TV? Watch the ESPN pregame? Something on the NFL Network? Other? Curious minds want to know.
  24. The Main St. Gas and Grille in Youngstown is wonderful.
  25. I took Carolina over NO.
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