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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. Didn't he play on the team that always loses to the Globetrotters?
  2. Just a dummy check: some TVs wont let you switch to the HDMI port if the device is not connected or powered on. Otherwise go buy a TV from a store whose return period is at least 11 days long
  3. Bryan Cox Rodney Harrison Keith Jones Lonnie friggin Johnson
  4. You have a typo about 2/3 of the way down.
  5. I read that they found an airplane seat fer cryin' out loud.
  6. Now they're saying none of the debris they found is from the missing plane? WTF? http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/americas/06/...rash/index.html
  7. Or the "she said she was 18" defense.
  8. Elisha. I'll take those "sloppy seconds" any day.
  9. She doesn't do anything for me. Even though I asked her twice.
  10. And then TO pulled out his cell phone and twittered (tweeted?) about it before spiking the ball.
  11. Assquatch agrees. Eric Moulds is a lame.
  12. Funny you mentioned that because if it had been spelled correctly I never would have found it. In another thread, a poster mentioned an "E-gun" offense, named after Edwards. I was going to comment that I thought I remembered the K-gun was named for the tight end, not for Kelly. I googled to make sure I was remembering correctly, typoed "K-gyn" into google and found the '94 playbook.
  13. I think that was a very classy way of saying "this is a good !@#$ing champagne".
  14. I happened across the Bills' 1994 playbook. It is simply dizzying. (Make sure to fullscreen it). How on Earth does anyone learn where to be and what to do on any given play? Not to mention what happens if someone has to fill in at an unfamiliar position due to injury, or gets traded to a new team in the middle of the season. No wonder some of these guys have such low wonderlic scores. They cant do analogies or pattern recognition because their heads are full.
  15. Just a little bonding exercise for the rooks.
  16. Crayonz you forgot to switch your login. I give up.
  17. Beerball did you click the links? The joke is NOT that he looks like santa claus. He looks like the kid from the movie "Bad Santa".
  18. 2nd linky no worky
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