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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. Joe's thought bubble: Hmmm, should I lay her or Just Jack off?
  2. Laugh? I Nearly Died - the only Stones song I like.
  3. The book is out on Tome.
  4. The words "selfless" and "team-first" referring to Owens didn't clue you in to the sarcasm?
  5. http://www.wangfu.ca/images/motorboat.jpeg
  6. Wouldn't it have been faster and easier to whip up a natural batch over their Comic-Con invitations?
  7. She knew about his quick release.
  8. That is the funniest thing I think I have ever read on this site.
  9. Blue crabs with Old Bay TiVo Waking up to your alarm on Friday only to realize seconds later that it's Saturday
  10. Does it work with Vista x64 yet?
  11. For this team, Mondays have got to be sponsored by Zoloft or any other antidepressant.
  12. The Martin Luther King Bowl. What a great idea!
  13. "mid-thirties, 5'7", 175 pounds. He has brown eyes, brown hair thinning at the front, a hairy chest and a good tan" That sounds just like Corey McIntyre!
  14. Recent conversation between my two year old and I about from what animals our food comes (my challenges followed by his responses) "Chicken?" "Chickens." "Fish?" "Fish" "Beef?" "Cows." "Pork?" "Porcupines."
  15. Funny that her lawyer says the woman is shocked at the fine "noting that the price tag on the songs she downloaded was 99 cents". I can hear this lawyer's next client: "You cant give me the death penalty for raping that hooker. She only charges $100"
  16. Oh. My. God. Did he really say that?
  17. 8 years active duty in the Navy 1992-2000. E-6. USS Monterey CG-61 Orlando for training, Mayport (Jacksonville) FL, Norfolk VA, then Adelphi MD (between DC and Baltimore) for shore duty 97-2000.
  18. I think we have a new nickname for him, better than Franchez for sure. Snatchez (with or without the "t").
  19. Yeah I know a few girls like that too. It's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.
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