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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. Does that sound dirty to anyone else?
  2. I should start sending emails to Nigeria offering magic scam-boosting powders for merely hundreds of dollars an ounce.
  3. "Let me tell 'ya... 'Bout Jack and Diane"
  4. Didn't he have a picnic table?
  5. "I just know I'll be horny again in an hour"
  6. What would Jesus do for a Klondike bar?
  7. My wife turned the channel in the middle of that song one day at just the right moment, cutting off the end of the line and giving it an entirely different meaning - one which I now hear every time that song is on. "Might as well face it, you're addic ted to love".
  8. To lure yourself a cat. Then catch the cat and squeeze it above a tortilla...
  9. I see the bad moon arising. I see trouble on the way. I see earthquakes and lightnin. I see bad times today. Dont go around tonight, Well, its bound to take your life, Theres a bathroom on the right.
  10. Those are the exact things I was hoping to find out by starting this thread!
  11. But then their husbands would have to drive all the time.
  12. Blinded by the light Wrapped up like a douche...
  13. The filter is making your explanation of the filter nonsensical.
  14. I would love to hear some "behind the scenes" stories from folks in retail or food service.
  15. You're watching me?
  16. Big waste of time. I would think that if your MP3 is sampled at 192 kbps for example, the data between each sampled bit is gone forever. Then again I never understood how police can "enhance" low resolution photos to show more detail (license plates form surveillance cameras for example).
  17. What would someone who doesn't work in your industry be surprised to find out? I don't have a great example but I know you can do better. I work in manufacturing. We sell our widgets to resellers who then sell to the end-user. We happily print our resellers logos and part numbers on our widgets' packaging so the end user never knows whom the manufacturer is. We also provide phone support to the end-user - but most of the time we have to be careful not to mention who we are so the end user thinks they are receiving tech support from the reseller. This also means that sometimes the end-user switches to another distributor who charges more he same thing (still our product) and the customer thinks they are getting something better. A friend of mine once told me he used to work for a bakery that made Wonder bread. When it was time for changeover they just switched to different bags to put the same bread in, and that was the store brand. (Sorry, first, last or middle post doesn't win a darn thing.)
  18. I saw an episode of MANswers on SpikeTV that said that the dugong (manatee-like sea creature) has female parts most like a human woman. I'm just saying...
  19. Fake. The caption says it was taken from Australia but Jupiter is not upside-down in the picture.
  20. Something I always found interesting about Pittsburgh is that the Steelers, Penguins and Pirates all have the same black/gold color scheme. I suppose that makes it easier for the inbred to know for whom to cheer.
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