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Johnny Coli

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Everything posted by Johnny Coli

  1. Maybe he wants to keep playing football so he can go on the road and bang other chicks. I bet he'd get a lot of tail now that he's a hero and all. He had three guys lining up to take a crack at him Sunday night.
  2. As far as composition, they both balance the eye well, "grove" in particular. However, make them both black and white and you could probably charge more. I think removing all color from "grove" would give it more character...you know, really enhance the stark contrast between tall/short, belonging/intruding. The color makes it too "happy" when you've named the piece "interupted," suggesting a break from conformity. I really like the the light/dark/shadow aspect of "claw", and I think it also would stand out more by amplifying that opposition or contrast. The brutal aspect of an industrial object, somewhat softened by it obsolescence. Just my 2 cents.
  3. Yeah, running straight at (and by) you for 70+ yards
  4. Will it work better than the empty glass held up to the wall that I use now?
  5. Ah, the old "Weekend at Bernies" play. It's a classic.
  6. I was openly praying for Bruschi's death on the field last night. Wonder if that had anything to do with it......
  7. My brother-in-law's girlfriend is a professional photographer. You can get three to four hundred dollars and up for those photos. Don't sell your art short.
  8. I enjoy eavesdropping in on other peoples private lives. Don't take that away from me.
  9. I actually heard Callahan on the way in say (pretty much word for word) "The Pats really benefitted from that call. It probably cost the Bills the W." Classic.
  10. I get to work pretty early in the morning (usually 6:45) so I'm completely hung over and still pissed about the game. There's only a few of us that come in that early, but one is a bandwagon Pats fan...the worst kind of fan. So I try to get by her cube without speaking to her and she says all chipper "Yeah, Pats!" I whirled around and just laid into her...about the nauseating coverage, the bogus offensive PI call, how Holcomb sucks...just really let her have it. So she says, "Well I didn't see the second half" and I swear I thought about going on a freaking rampage right then and there. Typical NE fan. Doesn't even watch the whole game but has to get a verbal shot in. No one will come near me today. My email usually gets filled up, too. Not today. They know, man. They know.
  11. All the Pats fans in my office have been giving me a pretty wide berth today. I'll let you know what they thought of it tomorrow when I'll tone down the "I will kill you if you come near me" 'tude I'm eminating today.
  12. Tried to listen to it with Field Pass, but the "Bills" link went straight to the Pats broadcast all night. Everything about that game smelled like a fix.
  13. Here's mine. Hope they get a lot of these. Way to ruin a football game. Did you clowns even care that there was another team on the field? ESPN's constant tongue bath for all things Pats and Bruschi was nauseating and I found myself hitting the mute button almost as many times as I had to pound my head against the wall to clear my head of Nickleback's Bruschi theme. By the way, your "hero" had a pathetic 2 tackles and looked winded all game. Not to mention the Bills ran right at him for the tune of 70+ of McGahee's 136 rushing yards, but that clearly went right past those frauds in the booth. You're station's a joke. Boo-yeah.
  14. He's going to have to use a lot of creativity then, because "Hero" only had 2 tackles and 5 Coy-Wires, and 70+ of McGahee's 136 rushing yards were straight at him.
  15. It's a Gillette stadium call, man. Load of crap.
  16. No they won't. Phantom holding calls here we come....
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