My original Post in this thread got me musing on how many people that are registered on this site never post, ever. Not a single post.
So I went looking to see how many that could be, thinking there were always going to be a few people lurking around. I myself was a lurker for several years, then registered, and lurked for a few more years, so I could relate to these “others.”.
Here’s what I found…..
Of the 5171 registered users on this forum:
1875 (36%) have NEVER posted…ever. Some date back to the inception of the board. These people who, for reasons known only to them took the effort to register a name (maybe a name that is/was significant to them, maybe a clever play on an existing name, maybe complete gibberish) then never posted. One person registered 45 variations of the name “booya” (booya011, booya012, etc.) all on November 13th, 2003. That’s a staggering amount of work for someone that never posted in a single thread.
575 (11%) have posted ONCE. They registered, made their point, then faded into the internet mist. Was that all they had to say? Was the thought so profound that they never needed to post again? What chased them back into the mist?
dag1 joined on September 2, 2001 and was last active on the board on August 22, 2004 at 2:05PM. He/she never posted once…not a single time. Now he/she's gone. What happened to dag1? Who was this person? Who are these “lost” members peering into the windows and through the keyholes of TSW...watching.