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Johnny Coli

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Everything posted by Johnny Coli

  1. Yup. Same game I am subjected to. Comedy abounds.
  2. That's 100 yards today for Willis. I'm loving this team.
  3. Solid 1st half for JP. I love this freaking team!
  4. I don't bother with food. It soaks up the beer, and you're just going to puke it up or pass out in it anyway. Just stick with the suds.
  5. Well, I mostly drink ice cold Pabst Blue Ribbon during the off-season, but when the pigskin begins to fly, I splurge and go with Labatts. Monday through Saturday it's back to the PBR's, though. A liver is like a well-seasoned cast iron pan. You don't want to mess with it by adding anything too fancy, or you might ruin that hard-won coating of black that makes it your favorite pan.
  6. I'll bet you a $2000 debit card (a little damp, but probably still good) he's dubya's new Supreme Court nominee. He's just as qualified for that job as he was for his last one.
  7. Good post. Couldn't agree more. All these people that "respect" them don't have to live near their bandwagon fans.
  8. I've got the Pats D in one of my leagues. I feel so dirty. I may have to unload them. It's too much self-loathing to endure for a whole season.
  9. Pats fans are scum. While I would like to see a total beat-down, I'd much rather see a close game end with the Raiders winning after a bad call by the referees. Did I mention that Pats fans are scum. So is Bill Simmons.
  10. You have to pull an old, broken down TV down from the attic and put it next to the HD one. Paint a target on the screen. Rage doesn't have to be expensive.
  11. 4-4 then bye week 6-2 then playoffs It will be a bleak first half of the season. Many, many beers will be drunk. Many, many empty cans will be thrown at television sets. But through it all, MM will stick with JP, and they will make a run in the final eight games. No sweat. I may be drunk, but I'm not delusional. This team WILL make the playoffs, compadres.
  12. I knew that damn "cone of vision" thing would come back to bite us on the a$$. Thanks for nothing, Madden 2006.
  13. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Well, maybe just this once.
  14. Mermaids. Fantastic boobies, but the genetalia of a carp. It sucks to be an almost martyr.
  15. The irony would be if they had targeted New Orleans, and the whole cell drowned during the flood.
  16. I was at the DC ICAAC. I try to go every other year, as well. Pretty ironic that the most knowledgeable people in infectious disease won't be going to the toilet that is now New Orleans.
  17. It's partisan because you've questioned the infallible one. You've stumbled into the black and white world of the PPP.
  18. Where have I questioned what has being done logistically on the ground in NO? Find the post.
  19. That doesn't make it OK. I can't believe that the bar has been set so low for this man that his defense in all of these instances is "Shucks, It's just Dubya being Dubya." How hard is it to just go on TV and talk to the american people? His "low flyover" of some of the affected areas of the south sure was inspiring. Did he have the pilot dip the wing on the way by?
  20. This is a pretty unique circumstance, though. People are geting bombarded with horrifying images of people starving to death, widespread looting and lawlessness, stories of rescue ops ended because of violence, pictures of grief-stricken widows hunched over next to dead spouses. People want to know why they aren't seeing any help for these people. Not everyone in america undestands what it entails in getting aid to these people. It's his freaking job to lead the country through times of crisis, make people understand that everything in the governments power is being done. He's dropping the ball on this one.
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