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Johnny Coli

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    Boston (hell)

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  1. Godspeed Mr Wilson
  2. Absolutely a crazy-good record. I hate that it got so popular because now it's completely unlistenable for me.
  3. This is truth. Green River's Come on Down record came out in the mid-80's for crying out loud.
  4. I have the first Rush LP with Rutsey at the drums. That's the only one I can sit through, really. Not a fan of Peart.
  5. Lou Reed and Metallica tried a project like this last year. Metallica fans went totally bananas and couldn't wrap their brains around the genius of Lou Reed. I don't think this will inspire such fits of rage from Nirvana and/or Wings fans as that of the Metallica goofs, but I'm sure some will wonder what the hell is going on.
  6. Put a urinal in the bathroom. Pays for itself.
  7. Or that Ghost Hunters show: "You can sense a presense in this room." "The needle on our home-made gizzmo just moved...I think." "That's a wrap! This house is haunted!"
  8. The Hangmen East of Western, featuring one mister Rontrose Heathman on the gee-tar!
  9. That would seem petty, but now that you mention it.... No, just a slow couple days at work before the holiday. Haven't popped in in a long time. Thought I'd see what was happening.
  10. Some decorations get rolled out a little bit at a time post-thanksgiving, then the real tree two weeks before. Not sure where we'd even get a tree if we wanted to right now. The farm we go to won't start selling until this weekend.
  11. I check in every six to eight months. Sometimes I post. It's been a long time though. Last time I checked in was to offer condolences to The Dean.
  12. Just doin' a drive-by to see how the angry white minority was holding up. No aliases. I was Angry Mob way back during the Jauron era, but when you're always right you don't need to login as someone else.
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