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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. Man, I envy you. I am a 2005 Alum and this time of year just kills me now that I've graduated. I will probably be at the game regardless, as Rochester is a pretty convenient drive.
  2. Any camera is going to suck if you try to take pictures in sport mode at night with it. Sport mode decreases the "exposure" time so as not to blur a subject in action. Night mode does the exact opposite.
  3. Two points: On both of the delay of game plays (or near delay of game as it was in one case) Losman broke the huddle with less than ten seconds left on the clock. This is indicative of a problem, but with the play callers, not Losman. Now, a more seasoned quarterback might have been able to read the defense with one eye on the play clock, true. But I wouldn't put the blame on him alone. Secondly, it's hard to find fault with J.P.'s "touch" or accuracy on the deep ball, as anyone who's been to camp this year can attest that is what he does best. If that word of mouth evidence isn't enough for you, simply look to last year's Texan's game, Kansas City game, or Miami game. He showed over and over again that he can hit people in stride, through tight spaces, deep. He missed one deep receiver by a very small margin last night and people are overreacting.
  4. Steroids are illegal.
  5. The judge's EXACT words were "Helsel is not a naive teenager, but an experienced adult who must be held fully responsible for what she did."
  6. We've had a QB look good?
  7. I'm not quite sure you understand the situation here. He already signed the offered sheet. It is totally out of Wells' hands now. If the Cards match the offer he stays in Arizona, if not he's a Bill. The "he might stay because he likes his coach/teammates/city/whatever" ship has already sailed.
  8. I'm glad we didn't have the mentality you suggest back when we pursuing Spikes...
  9. UB Basketball moved on to the second round of the MAC Tournament tonight, defeating Ball State by 8 despite allowing about 40 points to Skip Mills. Crazy, crazy game. This one fits in well with the recent history of tournament games at Alumni Arena.
  10. I HATE the "he would've gotten his feet down if he wasn't pushed" rule. Talk about handcuffing the defensive back...
  11. I think that says it all right there.
  12. I would be really interested to hear what the penalty called was. I was 7 at the time of that game and thus have no clear recollection of most of it. I also whole-heartedly agree with your statements regarding the psychological effects of moving the kick back five yards.
  13. It's obscurity is what makes it funny.
  14. Okay for all you middle aged guys who can't figure out Fake-Fat Sunny.... Mike Mularkey has the initials MM. The rapper EMINEM (M and M, short for Marshall Mathers) is famous for his song The Real Slim Shady. The opposite of real would be fake, the opposite of slim would be fat, and the opposite of shady would be sunny. Is it all coming together now?
  15. The author of this thread is making assumptions. The article, posted at 2:40 today, is written in the past tense but says nothing about the interview or when it was completed. It simply says he's in town and then goes on about his previous qualifications. The exact same type of article was written about Dick Jauron at 2:31 yesterday. They're both boilerplate articles that were probably uploaded at some standard time. So if we're going by the articles tense and publication time alone, Sherman was actually in Buffalo for 9 minutes longer! But we're not, because that would be stupid.
  16. I don't think you can include the Bailey fumble. I agree that he probably fumbled through the endzone and it should have been a fumble. However, there is ZERO way to prove it with replay unless you have the Goodyear Blimp parked directly over the pylon when it happens. It's all about perspective and angle of viewing. Ironically, Simms idea of drawing a line between where the ball landed and where Bailey lost it and seeing if that line passes through the endzone actually has merit (even a blind squirrel....) but is infeasabile. More time and more sophisticated equipment on the sidelines would be necessary.
  17. You need to calm the hell down. Are you this shrill about everything? If you ever leave a job because of a bad situation, make sure you broadcast it here so we can get worked up about it here and redicule you. It all comes down to this. Mularkey was in a bad situation. There is no denying this. He was a total lame duck. So he had two options: Leave and blame it on the Bills organization (which is probably more truthful), or leave and say it's "in the best interest of his family" (more vague and a hell of a lot more classy). It could've been much worse. Mularkey has taken the high road, it is crazed fans like you and equally moronic "journalists" (I use that term loosely) who have filled in the blanks with their own ideas.
  18. So how many draft picks do we have? All of our 7 picks, plus Tennessee's 3rd is all that I'm aware of. I've read in this thread about multiple second rounders and compensatory picks and all that. Are these just mistakes, typos, and conjecture, or do we truly have additional picks that I'm not aware of?
  19. Gee, that worked so well the last time we tried it....
  20. That's what I liked about him. What the heck do I care if the announcer is rooting for the same team I am?
  21. I said somewhat. He has a following....
  22. Lost amid the chaos of today's events is the news that Alex Van Pelt has joined Turner Gill's staff at UB as Quarterback's Coach and "Passing Game Coordinator." This is a pretty interesting move. He's somewhat of a local hero and we've known about his coaching aspirations for a while. I will miss him in the booth with Murph next year though.
  23. That's what's so perplexing to me. He seems to be so much worse in coverage this season, yet he's still putting in a great effort in run support and tackling in general (for the most part). I can't explain it.
  24. All about the money? Hahahaha. Everyone else is thinking it, i'll say it. You're an idiot. Merry Christmas. If he was all about the money, wouldn't you think he'd perform as best he could throughout his cheap rookie contract so that he can get a large contract when he hits free agency for the first time? You honestly think he dogged it that badly for the last few years then decided to turn it back on for the money? Think people, think.
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