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Posts posted by Wraith

  1. Losman had a bad game, I'll give you that.  But you need to look beyond the numbers. On one of those 2 yard completions on 3rd and 3 Evans was at fault for not getting past the marker.  I don't remember the other one I'll have to go check it out.



    The other one refrenced was a 9 yard out route by Lee Evans on a 3rd and 10 early on in the game.

  2. Losman throws underneath on a regular basis. Look up the numbers. He throws the ball short of the first down marker way more then he does beyond the marker. It's why his 3rd down percentage is high. He throws a four yard completion on 3 and 10.


    Once or twice I would say it's the receivers. It happens 5 or 6 times a game.  <_<



    On the two instances you cited from today's game, the receiver came up a yard short on their route. You can't blame him for throwing "a four yard completion on 3 and 10" in those cases.

  3. By far the biggest reason why the Bills have suffered over the past 7 seasons is Donahoe's inabilty to assess QB's.  Bills fans have been far too complacent in putting up with piss poor performances.



    You lose any credibility you had with this statement. Failure to address either line is the root cause of almost every one of our problems.

  4. First Greg Williams, then Mike Mularkey, now Dick Jauron.

    Every single time we challenge it seems like it is never reversed and always ends up costing us in the end.  At least 4-5 times this year, Jauron could have challenged plays and did not when T.V. replay showed we possibly could have won those challenges.  Today, he finally throws the flag when replays were definitely inconclusive and definitely not enough to overturn the call on the field. 

    So, we lose a time out (45 seconds) that we could have used to try and get into FG range.

    Williams and Mularkey were the Ultimate Professionals at throwing the flag at the wrong times and not throwing it when they should.  When will a Bills coach finally do the right thing and throw it (if) and when appropriate?  I guess Marv Levy is the only one bright enough to manage these things.  Although I do happen to like Jauron, especially compared to those other two numbnuts, I was disappointed in his coaching today............and not just on the challenge.  The whole Bills team didn't seem to show up and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they were going to continue to go to Roy Williams until we slid the help coverage that way and stopped them.  We made Kevin (Fantasy Football Dud) Jones look like Barry Sanders today.  Those two players kicked our butts.  By the way, who the heck missed that tackle on the 3rd down and six play near the two minute warning in the fourth quarter?  I think it was #25, K. Thomas...............good going!

    Sorry everyone, just frustrated and venting.



    I am generally frustrated with Jauron's use of the replay as well, but I don't think you can fault him at all on this one. That replay looked like an interception to me, and if that play is overturned, it takes 3 points directly off the board and this game goes to overtime.

  5. Losman-1 Broken play TD, 1 TD against a prevent defense.


    It's the sum up of his career thus far.


    Blame everyone except JP all you want, but im fed up with him, he seems to falter under pressure every week.



    So the Lions were playing prevent defense up by 10 with 9 minutes to go in the game? That would mean the Lions defensive coordinator is dumber than you, and that's just not possible.

  6. 1 -  mini-prevent????  :blink:  WTF


    2 - no, face mask penalties, and not tackling is what happened in the final 4.


    3 -Because you have to make opportunities against "better" teams.  Against "bad" teams you should be able to win without gimmicks.


    4- yeah okay, You must have been watching a tape from the Vikings game


    5.  Nope, I thought so at first but he did bobble when he hit and since the ball hit the ground and a bobble the ball is incomplete.



    There was no facemask on that play. Watch it again.

  7. McFarland?  20 career sacks?  In his seventh season?  Soon to be 29?  He's missed 21 out of 100 regular season games.  Anyone want a guy that plays 1 out of every 5 games?


    Someone, anyone, I need help... please explain to me why this slob makes the bills a better team?



    Nice math, genius. :blink:

  8. I've got to believe that a big part of why are corners have looked SOOOO bad this year is due to scheme. There are guys who's day job it is to drive UPS trucks that haven't been abused as bad as our guys. Both McGee and Clements have shown they have talent in the past, but this year they look horrible.


    Of course, you can't blame the scheme for Clements tackling prowess....

  9. I'll note that if we had a team of trained monkeys picking the games, one in sixteen would have it right, or between six and seven. 


    This means, of course, that TBD users are twice as dumb as monkeys.  But we knew that already.



    I won't question your conclusion ( :devil: ) but your method is a little flawed. The odds of picking the Bills record, in order, at random, is 1/65536. That would be (1/2)^16...

  10. It would be a nice win and an upset, but not a statement. If we were 3-1 and still underdogs, then yes, it would be a statement saying that we are for real. However, we are 2-2 and choked one away against the Jets. The win would turn some heads, but would not be making a statement.


    The Patriots had a statement game against the Bengals.



    You are being incredibly ticky tacky here. Are you really trying to draw a distinction between "turning some heads" and "making a statement." Why do you get define what is and isn't a statement? Why are you even arguing this?


    The point the author of this thread was trying to make is that beating the Bears this weekend, in their own house, after the way they beat the Seahawks, would draw some attention and change the way the Bills are viewed. That is a correct statement.


    You're argument is pure semantics and irrelevant. Stop being so nitpicky.

  11. Is this before or after motorcycle accident/appendectomy?


    He may not be the same ever again after these incidents and maybe these stats are truly representative of his possible decline.



    That is also possible. Either way, I am comfortable saying that Roethlisberger's 34.3 passer rating IS indicative of his play this year.


    All in all, I think QB rating is not a bad tool. It certainly isn't the worst of the generally accepted statistics. I do not know the formula off-hand, but I do know that it at least tries to account for a wide range of parameters to give a balanced view of performance. However, not knowing the formula, I cannot say if it takes down/distance/situation/etc into account. That information is CONTEXT and it is CRITICAL to any statistic being worthwhile.

  12. Amen.


    I'm sure Roethlisberger's QB rating is god awful right now.  Anyone here who wouldn't rather have Ben?



    I wouldn't rather have had Ben in his lousy two games that earned him that god awful rating.


    Are you trying to argue that he played better than his QB rating this season indicates or that he IS better than his QB rating indicates?


    Your problem is that QB rating is a summary statistic, not a predictive statistic. Big Ben is probably better than his 34 QB Rating, but his play the last two games certainly isn't. That 34.3 rating only applies to the last two games, in which he has been awful.

  13. Um, here ya go Kevin Williams, please sack JP. No push on running plays, being pushed backwards on running plays......need anything else?



    That's not evidence, moron. Give me some specific plays, or gee, even some data.


    I see that the Bills gave up 3 sacks today, which shockingly, is exactly their average per game this year. I see the Willis McGahee gaining more yards in the second half than the first. I see Duke Preston getting a key block on the P. Price TD Screen play.

  14. I told ya'll so!!!!!  Hopefully this isn't long term because our run blocking and even our pass protection just took a pretty good hit. Look, I'd like a youth movement at RG just like most here but I'll say it again just like I did right when he was drafted: THE DUKE MAKES ME WANNA PUKE!!!!!!!!!!!! Other than that GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Come back when you have some supporting evidence.

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