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Posts posted by Wraith

  1. Before the game against the Bears, Losman was playing with confidence and in every game he's taking what was given to him. The last three games I see a guy forcing the ball to Lee Evans too much, ending up in negative plays.


    The pass to Evans against the Bears or the pass to Davis against NE are passes he should complete with his eyes closed. I see other young QBs in the league taking advantage of those passes for big gains. And that is the big difference between them and Losman, and those are the plays that inspire an entire football team.

    We have yet to see a performance from him that elevates the play of his teammates. I'm still hopefull he can do it and it's a good thing that the coaching staff feel the same way.



    Tom Brady overthrew wide open receivers deep twice in the first quarter against the Bills. You can't say any QB should make that throw with their eyes closed, and you can't point to two throws in 7 games as a case for anything.

  2. Errr, if I have to show you, njsue and you are equals.  He posted "you're insight".  Maybe he meant the poster was "in sight".  God, this is the Board NjSue was banned from??????  I guess I see where she got her intellect. 


    Oh ya, I forgot the ;)



    Ah, so he didn't misuse a word. He misspelled a word. Perhaps he's not the only one who occasionally misuses a word. 0:)

  3. Tell us? Did you recycle this quote from a


    Rob Johnson, Drew Bledsoe, Doug Flutie, or Todd Collins thread from years ago?



    The fact that you could apply the statement you quote to all of our QBs in the last decade or so (including Jim Kelly) would tend to make a reasonable person say the root cause hasn't been addressed. But not you.

  4. JP's numbers (take away turnovers) where as good or better then Brady's. But JP sucks and is a bust on a bad team cause he didn't get the W. So no matter what JP accomplishes it means absolutly nothing to Bills fans because a) he didn't get the W, and b) Bills fans have to feel like marters and have to have something to B word and whine about.



    Exactly. Two things Losman should do to emulate Tom Brady:


    1) Stop fumbling.


    2) Play on a better team.

  5. I would love for him to prove everyone wrong and show that he's the guy. But right now, it just isn't happening.


    It's so easy to say that there is no offensive line. But a good QB makes an average offensive line look better. I've seen MANY times when the line has given Losman ample time and he still can't get it done. The guy is throwing bad passes, making bad reads, and showing zero football instincts. Not to mention, he turns the ball over practically everytime he's hit. He just isn't a difference maker. That's where my problems with him lie.


    Believe me, there's nothing i'd rather see than for us to actually win some games. But you can't attack fans who are fed up at this point. Most of us are.



    Your premise might be right but your argument is flawed. When Losman has gotten his throws off his performance has been above average. He has a 61.6% Completion Percentage, 1314 Yards, 6 TDs, and 6 Int (Including 3 against the leagues best defense).


    He's shown that when he has protection, he can be effective. The problems have all arrived when he doesn't get his throws away. He's getting sacked at a high rate (21 times so far) and fumbling often. Those are his problems, and you have to give at least some of the blame on the offensive line.

  6. The book is out on JP,  he is very, very mistake prone especially when it comes to ball security.  Other team know it and will continue to bring extra pressure until he starts burning teams down the field.  I was really hoping for a good showing but for the 2nd year in a row i leave the NE home game disgusted.  JP doesn't seem to "own" the field when he's out there.  He doesn't own the huddle, he's a disaster inside the opponents 35 yd line.  I'm really concerned about his future.  I will not use the O-line as an excuse.  On several plays yesterday he had time and did nothing.  One good pass was dropped by Evans in the end zone so that one was on Lee.



    How do you know what he's like in the huddle?

  7. Wow, let's have a pity party for you.  booooooo......... 


    I'm a moron, you're a moron, we're all morons. 


    And so !@#$ing what that you were qb in HS and college. I think a lot of us did.  Who cares?  When you make it to the pros and can tell me the plays and each persons responsibility in a given system, we'll talk.  Until then you don't know sh--.  If you're so good how come you don't scout parttime for the Bills.  You know that have volunteer film scout positions on almost every team.  To help look at team film looking for tendancies and ticks that either the Bills players or upcoming opponents have.  It's actually a good way if you like football to get a permanent scouting position with a team.  I ahev known three folks who did it, one is now a permanent scout, getting pretty good bucks.


    Until you break down NFL film from all angles and know the intentions of the play your guess is as good as mine.



    What exactly was the point of your post? To prove that you're not only a moron, as you put it, but that you are also lagging in reading comprehension?


    In the post that you quote, Risin says that although he played QB, he doesn't know enough to make a judgement. So what do you do? You throw this weird little tantrem. WTF? Work on your reading skills.

  8. True.  They did win four games in every series however, which is all that's required.  I really didn't have any hatred for the Canes until game 6 of the Stanley Cup finals, when Doug Weight was out with an injury.  It was the first man-game lost due to injury for the Canes in the playoffs (minus Erik Cole of course, who missed much of the regular season but did end up returning for games 6 & 7 of the Finals.)


    Anyways, in the lead-in to game 6, I heard the announcer say, "Can the bruised and battered Carolina Hurricanes finish off the Oilers to win the Cup tonight?"


    And THAT'S when I got pissed.  Bruised and battered???  Puh-lease.  They beat a team missing their entire starting defense in the conference finals, they're playing a team with a backup goalie in the Finals, but all of the sudden THEY are 'bruised and battered' when they lose their 36-year old worthless forward?  Oh man, I'm getting fired up over here....



    Well said.

  9. Entering this season, a reasonable goal for J.P. Losman was to play in the middle of the pack of NFL Quarterbacks. To expect a quarterback to play above average on an offense with a questionable offensive line and a questionable receiving corps is unreasonable. Furthermore, after last years debacle, average output from Losman would be a significant improvement.


    Through six games of this season, the meaningful statistics are:


    _____________COMP%___YPA___TD/ATT___INT/ATT ___SACKS/ATT_____RATING

    Losman -2006__61.60____6.52____0.041____0.0291______0.110_______80.10



    In every meaningful category except sacks/attempt, Losman is average. Sacks/attempt may be his main area of improvement. It might not be. Strong anecdotal evidence suggests the offensive line in front of him is providing him with far below average time to pressure. I have seen no attempt to quantify that issue yet, though. Either way, Losman's current clip (0.110) puts him in the same neighborhood as Michael Vick (0.154), Carson Palmer (0.108), and Matt Hasselbeck (0.107).


    I have two points for those of you who come in here whining about a specific negative play:


    A) The statistics show the rate at which he makes negative plays is not statistically different from an average NFL quarterback.


    B) By definition, being an average quarterback means that about 50% of your plays will be above average and about 50% will be below average. Some will be way above average (the TD pass to Parrish) and some will be way below average (the sack just prior to Lindell's 53 yard field goal).


    Losman is the epitome of an average NFL Quarterback. In his second year of starting he has developed into an average NFL Quarterback. That is a significant jump in play level from last year. In order to jump to the next level and be a great NFL Quarterback two things need to happen: he needs to improve his consistency; and more significantly, the team around him needs to play at least average also.


    *The Int/Att Rate Comparison is not a typo. Losman's rate is exactly the average to four significant figures.

  10. Why does everyone call Gandy a turnstile, that would suggest he actually moves....He's more like a telephone pole, players just run around him and make a play. After how many years now, McNally can't build a compotent line???



    I would say more like a tree. Specifically a tree in Buffalo this past weekend. The defense runs around him, and he falls over.

  11. You're right I was oversimplifying.  It's a lame tactic but hey...JP apologists do it every day with their "He has to throw for 400 yards and put up HOF #'s otherwise he sucks" straw-man arguments.


    I agree - he has gotten better from last year.  Would you agree that's not saying much? 


    I find it mind-boggling that anybody could argue the OL or team as a whole outside of the QB position has gotten worse from a year ago...how many games did you watch last year?



    In this particular case I was refering to the defense getting worse. Particularly the run defense. The oline has stayed pretty consistently bad.

  12. Yep, all 10 guys suck except for JP...Go JP!



    You are vastly over simplifying things to make him sound stupid.


    Coming into this season, the goal was improvement. Nobody was expecting a playoff team, just steps in the right direction.


    Losman has shown the desired improvement. Today was his 4th game of the year with 61% or higher completion percentage. His high all of last year was 60.71%. He has also thrown for over 200 yards three times, as opposed to once all of last season. His sacks per attempt and interceptions per attempt are slightly lower than last season. He's playing his best football in the 4th Quarter of games. Progress has been made.


    The rest of the team has not progressed. They've regressed. They've gotten worse. That's the frustrating part. That's what most reasonable people should be worried about. Incremental improvement from players and units from year to year is expected. Losman has done that. A lot of others have not.

  13. This was my first live Bills game this year. It was the first time I got a chance to watch how our receivers separated downfield. They reminded me of how I used to run patterns in high school. This is the pattern, and I'm going to run it exactly how it's drawn up. They don't try and juke the corner during the pattern; they just try and get from A to B as soon as possible. More times then not it leaves NOBODY to throw to. I'm upset over the outcome, and sick of making excuses for players. But I honestly think JP did the best he could with what was available today. If this is how our WR's have looked all year in person I don't know how we can ask JP to do much more.  The guy can't be productive AND limit turnovers with this WR core. PP is not a threat anymore. JR has never been a legitimate threat. RP is a lethal 3, but would probably struggle with his size as a 2. LE is a player, but he's still adjusting to being the #1 option.  All this with questionable pass blocking.  We needed to put JP in a position this year to get an accurate read on his progression. To either go with him, or go in a different direction next year. I don't see how this team is doing that right now.





    Detroits receivers were often in space, wide open. What were they doing that the Bills weren't? Or is it just a matter of the line giving WRs more time to get open?

  14. THe most important attribute is winning and he aint getting it done



    So cut the entire team then, they ain getting it done.


    Lets compare QB performances today:


    Losman 21/34, 207 Yards, 2 TD, 1 INT, 1 FUM

    E.Manning 17/30, 180 Yards, 2 TD, 2 INT, 1 FUM


    One quarterback beats 3-1 Atlanta 27-14, the other quarterback loses 20-17 to 0-5 Detroit.


    So what's the difference? As it turns out, and this is apparently surprising to a lot of you, when the rest of the team plays like crap, an average quarterbacking performance is going to look like crap as well. When the rest of the team plays alright, an average quarterbacking performance looks pretty good.




    A little high strung, are we?


    If you can show me where in your first post you excluded goal line plays from your little "analysis," you can call BlueFire a nitwit. Otherwise, calm down or shut up or both.

  16. Again. If we were talking one or two times this season you may have a point. It happens way too often to keep beleiving it's the wide receivers fault all the time.


    It goes to Losman's inability to check down. If the first option isn't there he dumps it off to the safety valve. He doesn't go option 1 - option 2 - option 3 - dump off. He goes option 1 - dump off or sack. He just doesn't process the information fast enough in his head to get the job done. <_<



    And again, in this case, the passes you cited were thrown to Lee Evans. Do you really think Evans was the safety valve?


    Frankly, you have no way of knowing if Losman is going through a progression or not. How do you know who option 2, 3 and 4 were? How can you even tell who he's looking at? That statement is pure conjecture.

  17. "Way too close to call"?  LOL that sounds like it was close, which means it could potentially get overturned 100% conclusive or not because these are NFL refs we're talking about.



    Exactly. It's impossible for a reasonable person to predict what an NFL referee will choose to overturn. I've seen FAR less conclusive replays result in reversals than today's.


    There are plenty of other things to fault the team with today, but this wasn't one of them.

  18. I'm not going to defend anything the retarded Fruite fanboy has said, but: if you don't see pocket awareness as a problem w/ this kid I think you have Bills blinders on.  He needs to step up in the pocket and prevent that fumble; and the play at the end of the half was another horrible sack that cost us more points if not for Lindell. 

    The Parrish TD was terrific, but maybe people forget that RJ the antichrist in his 2nd start here threw a nearly identical 40 yard dart on the run for a TD to Moulds in Miami....guys of that cloth will do that occasionally, but it's hard to win with these ill-timed sacks and lack of awareness compounded with a lack of ball security.



    The sack at the end of the first half I agree with. Lindell bailed his ass out big time there.


    But I do not understand how you can reasonably expect someone to recognize their left tackle failed to make contact with his DE and that said DE is now coming from behind your right shoulder as you look downfield waiting for a playaction bomb to develop.

  19. That play was way too close to call on whether it was an INT or not.

    In that situation, not worth risking a time out when the call on the field will take preference over inconclusive.  Did that play look "definite" that it was an INT?

    Obviously it wasn't.  <_<



    In a game that we lost by 3 points, you would rather have an extra time out than attempt to take 3 points off the board?


    We lost by 3 points. That call lead to a FG. That play was the margin of victory. You have to risk a time out in that situation.

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