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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. You hit the nail on the head. The numbers are nice, but he's put big numbers up before. What is great is that in a clutch situation he played flawlessly, was totally under control, motivated the team, and made one HELL of a fine pass to win the game. He's never done that before, and now the jackasses cannot use it as an argument against him.
  2. I am extending this to all the people who said pass blocking was the not problem. The offensive line finally plays one HELL of a game, and Losman looks like a Pro Bowler. Coincidence? I think it should be pretty clear that Losman knows how to step up into and move around a pocket when given one. Anyone who says Losman makes the O-Line worse than they actually are can go screw themselves now. Now it let's play just as good or better next week!
  3. Simpson got the credit, but on the fumble that was recovered by Clements, it was Spikes who popped the ball loose. It was a good effort and something we've come to expect out of Spikes. Unfortunately, I did not see much else of him. However, Crowell was a BEAST today.
  4. You feel sorry for him for being to find joy in moderate successes instead of pouting around waiting for the big one? You're right, geez his life sure is pathetic.
  5. Glad you reminded me. Where's that ****er who started that thread now?
  6. My only complaint about Nate Clements, was that he didn't always seem to play like he cared about winning. That has definitely not been the case lately though, and it was never more evident than today, especially on that 3rd Down pass deflection late in the 4th Quarter. He was pumped, he played great all day, and it made a huge difference for this team.
  7. Indeed. Holy crap where did that performance come from?!?!?! Game Balls: 1) Lee Evans 2) J.P. Losman 3) Offensive Line 4) 4th Quarter Defense 5) Nate Clements I can't narrow it down any furhter. Wow!
  8. That's fine but the explicitly stated purpose of this thread is to list positives from this game so I find it odd that you are getting worked up when he mentions a positive aspect of Losman's game.
  9. Where the heck did he say yippie skippie it was a good day? He was listing positives. That was a positive. Relax.
  10. Context. Context. That statement was in response to an assertion that Losman was the worst QB in the league. It has nothing to do with Super Bowls.
  11. You seem to forget the fact that he (Thomas) had already lost 2 yards on the previous play. That play was just as crucial.
  12. You are acting dense. The Bills just lost by 1 POINT to the best team in football, the 9 -0 Colts. In order to do this, they had to play ultra-conservatively, Losman included. The best QB the NFL has seen in a long time, Tom Brady, tried to be a hero passing against this same team and came up short. If you try to be a playmaking offense against the Colts, you will lose.
  13. Thomas had 83 yards after contact. He ALONE earned those yards, not the offensive line.
  14. I was saying, and still am saying this: "Absolutely not, it was because Brett Favre has proven that when you force him to drive the length of the field and string together 12 - 14 plays he will often make a mistake and turn the ball over." You still have not shown that Favre put together a 12 - 14 play drive and still score a TD.
  15. That drive had 3 plays. 82 of those yards came on a slant to Donald Driver who took it the rest of the way. Nice, half-assed attempt.
  16. Where did I say he is a game manager? I said he was average. He's made his share of big plays and mistakes but overall he is neither winning nor losing games for the Bills.
  17. Yet he scored touchdowns on no long drives. What's to argue with? The Bills made him go the length of the field, and four separate times he made drive killing mistakes. He put up big yards last week, too.
  18. I wasn't arguing your post, I was adding a post script to it.
  19. Thank you, that was exactly the argument I was trying to make. Thomas earned those yards, not the offensive line.
  20. How does quarter back confidence keep tackles and tight ends from wiffing on defensive ends?
  21. The Colts have won two games by 1 point this year. In those games, the QBs have tossed for 63 yards (Vince Young) and 83 yards (Losman). That's 146 yards in two games, the only two games the Colts have come close to losing. So I think this statement is pretty shaky at best.
  22. You've said it's over after every game for at least the last three weeks yet every week Losman is starting. Interesting.
  23. No he is a moron because he does not support arguments with evidence. When presented with evidence to contradict his garbage, he does not respond and instead starts with his "Loseman..." crap. Losman has not been good. He has been decidely average. I can point to stats, but I doubt you will accept that. This week, like most weeks, the Bills were in position to win the game in the 4th quarter with Losman doing just enough to keep the game close and just enough not to give the game away. That is pretty average in my book.
  24. 109 yards on 28 rushes. How many of those yards came after first contact? Those yards were earned by Thomas, not the offensive line.
  25. As opposed to eight times by the running game. Yet you blame Losman. Nice logic. Do not forget, that prior to the sack on third down in the 4th Quarter, the Bills had 2nd and 2 and the offensive line got bowled over and Thomas lost 3 yards. They followed that stunner up by wiffing on one of the best pass rushers in the NFL on the next play.
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