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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. My wife and I moved into our new home in suburban Rochester about 5 weeks ago. The house is six years old and has a fairly well-established lawn. The previous owners did absolutely no spring maintenance with either the gardens or the lawn this year so we've been working hard to clean up some messes. I can't really blame them but a little work on their part would've saved a lot of work on ours. When we first moved in, the lawn was brown and thin so I fertilized with the basic Scott's product just to pep it up a little and since it's been rainy since, I've had no problems with the grass itself. However, I have a large amount of clover and crab grass with just enough dandelions to annoy me mixed in. Is there anything I can do now to help with this or do I have to wait until fall/spring. Any recommendations would be appreciated. I'm not certain what type of grass we even have but I'm guessing it's the bluegrass, ryegrass and fescue mixture since I'm told that is the most common in WNY.
  2. I was under the impression that Lee Evans' contract expires after next season. When they were drafted, didn't Evans sign for a year longer than Losman (who is still under contract...).
  3. I do not think that "pretty decent" is pushing it.
  4. Sweet mother of God. Now just get Pommers signed to and this will have been a pretty decent offseason.
  5. Are you new to this whole message board thing?
  6. Morneau is a real class act. He played his AAA ball here in Rochester so we got to see his act up close on the field and in the community.
  7. Instead of YPA (Yards/Attempt), try YPC (Yards/Completion). I don't know if it would change the results or not but it would it remove completion percentage from the equation. For example, I'm guessing Losman's YPA was pretty low his first year because if I remember correctly his completion percentage was around ~50%. Edwards' YPA benefits from his accuracy on the short passes.
  8. Watched an episode last night on Science HD based on the recommendation in this thread. It was very enjoyable. The episode told the story of the developement of the lunar rover. I'm an engineer so I've loved seeing how they dealt with the limited weight and space they were budgeted. I enjoyed how they were trying to estimate the properties of the moon's surface. I had to laugh at how hard it was for them to get it to unfold itself from it's cargo area. I'm guessing the weight restrictions held them back because that sort of thing is really common place. It also reminded me of how far we've come in the last thirty years in terms of material science.
  9. I'd check your stats. There is no way that anyone attempted 413 passes longer than 20 yards in a single season.
  10. You're using the word laid incorrectly.
  11. Damn. Unbelievable. A horrible week for the Buffalo sports community just got orders of magnitude worse. My prayers to his family and friends. He was truly a great representative of the City of Buffalo as a man and as a fan.
  12. How do you know he didn't get caught while inconspicuously pouring some booze into his drink? Can we tell from the article whether it was your first scenario or second? I can't...
  13. Why did you leave out the first sentence of this section? The one that says:
  14. Yeah, didn't Walsh end up sticking around with the Vikings for some time? I seem to recall Walsh getting cut from the Bills while Brad Lamb made the cut. I remember thinking that was a mistake because Lamb had that goofy mustache and just didn't look like a Wide Receiver.
  15. I doubt it. In fact, I expect the opposite. For better or for worse, this event will probably just die down to nothing. Unless somebody who was in the vehicle talks. Otherwise, there is very little to build a case on. How long do you think it would take a decent lawyer to poke holes in any "eye witness" testimony when the identification would had to have taken place at 3 AM in the morning during a night of drinking through the tinted windows of a moving vehicle?
  16. What's the problem? Looks like they've just replaced the letter F with E...and made it tougher to get a passing grade....
  17. I don't know. The bit with Kevin was relatively simple, and they showed Dwight thoroughly botching the racoon prank, which was definitely in line with Dwight's track record.
  18. If I were Jim I would've beat the crap out of Andy at that point.
  19. You're admitting to knowing how strong Losman's johnson is? Bold move....
  20. Sorry, didn't read the installation instructions, I was just going by the diagram. Looks like I jumped to conclusions I shouldn't have. At second glance, they're using the cold water supply as the "ambient" water return. That is really no different than adding a seperate return line that T's with the input to the water heater. One weird thing that I didn't notice before, though, is that either setup would require the centrifugal pump to pump against the system pressure. The pump would have to work harder to overcome the system pressure and push the water in the cold water supply line backwards to the main line. That would definitely make the pump less energy efficient, but to what degree. Perhaps they're banking on the assumption that the water pressure at the point in the system is low (which could be causing the problems in the first place).
  21. Interesting concept. Nothing stands out as being negative. The only assumption is the extra cost to run the pump is less than the cost of the water going down the drain. Centrifugal pumps are really efficient, typically, and this is not a strenuous application, so that's probably a good assumption. Really interesting idea with the recirc loop. I was wondering what they'd do with the stagnant water in the lines, and it turns out it gets recirculated to the water heater via an additional line. Pretty smart. You'd just have to make sure the pump shuts off before the diverter valve opens to your water fixture, otherwise you could get a really high flow out of, say, your kitchen sink. That would make a mess or damage something. Running the extra line back to the water heater would probably be the most work but even that's nothing major. Do you have a cold water shut-off directly before the tankless sytem?
  22. The problem isn't keeping the hot water warm as it travels through long lines. The problem is displacing all the water that was allowed to sit in the line between uses, cooling until it reached ambient temperature. It can take a long time for the hot water to displace all ambient water if the lines are long. No amount of insulation will keep the water in the lines from cooling to ambient temperature eventually. EDIT: Showers are typically 1.5 - 3.0 GPM. Let's go with 1.5 GPM and say the line to the shower is 3/8" ID (I have no idea if that's typical in residential but it's really common in industrial settings) and 100 feet long. That's 132 cubic inches or about 0.5 gallons. That's 20 seconds to fill the line with hot water, displacing the cold. Kind of a long time.
  23. Agreed. The big energy savings comes from no longer keeping a tankful of hot water at temperature "on standby." There is the added benefit of never running out of hot water, though.
  24. When I read your first post in this thread I figured it had to be satire. Apparently, it wasn't. Others have already corrected your mistake regarding Adam Dennis, but I will reiterate: The jury is still out on whether Dennis is even a servicable AHL player. His NHL prospects are not good. Enroth is the Sabres best goalie prospect, as others have said as well. I will add, though, that Enroth hasn't played a single second of North American hockey at this point. I'm not sure where the Hecht hate comes from. He is clearly one of the best defensive forwards on the team, and he and Pominville combine to make a very good defensive pair that work well with a variety of left wingers. His absence in March was definitely noticed by those paying attention. I'm not sure where the crack about "Vanek-type money" comes from as Hecht was re-signed earlier this season at a very reasonable price. The fact that you think Afinogenov is vital to this team says a lot.
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