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Posts posted by Wraith

  1. Also, I realize that the amount of time that Edwards got last night was pretty much on par with what coaches do, but there is no rule that it has to be that way. If the Bills are truly committed to Edwards, IMO, they should throw out the unwritten rules, and let that offensive unit play together more.

    Agreed. They're setting Edwards up to be second-guessed. Let him get his act together and put together a decent drive before yanking him. Please don't screw up another young quarterback. I hate to acknowledge this, but how these quarterbacks are perceived is important and they're not doing Edwards any favors in that department.


    However, I am concerned about how much Edwards' has refered to "playing in front of crowds" in his interviews lately. You're supposedly a starting NFL QB. Stop mentioning how you have to adjust to playing in front of a crowd.


    Also, the critiques of Losman's completions are pretty funny at this point. The guy missed several practices this week with a thumb injury on his throwing hand, completes 7 of 9 passes and both his incompletions hit receivers in two hands. The one Hardy dropped would've hit him in the head. He had a pretty good night.

  2. I was at the game surrounded by Redsuck fans and the comments after the Shouman pass was they got away with something one even very vocally declaring Zebras need their preseason warm ups too.


    Now opinions from fans are just like fans on bulletin boards except they are in person not reading a review or a infantile blog hence are usually better informed.

    Having had the benefit of watching that pass in crystal clear high definition from above and behind Trent Edwards, I can say without a doubt that with or without the alleged pass interference and/or incorrect route running, the most fundamental problem with that pass was the decision to throw to a receiver who was blanketed by double coverage from the instance the play started.

  3. They benched him for a rookie, and essentially told him the decision was permanent. Kas nailed it: If Losman believes he can be a starter, why would he stay?

    If for some reason there is a head coaching change, I think anything is possible. Given the way Jauron has bungled Losman's career, there's no way he resigns with him still in charge.

  4. When my brother got married last year, he gave us all the groomsmen but me a monogramed leatherman knives(he had already given me one several years before...). That was a great gift. I got married six weeks later and since we had virtually the same wedding party, I put together car wash kits (used the bucket as a "gift basket"). My wife even went through and "monogramed" each bucket with a silver marker. Those received pretty good reviews from the guys.

  5. My wife and I moved into our new home in suburban Rochester about 5 weeks ago. The house is six years old and has a fairly well-established lawn. The previous owners did absolutely no spring maintenance with either the gardens or the lawn this year so we've been working hard to clean up some messes. I can't really blame them but a little work on their part would've saved a lot of work on ours. When we first moved in, the lawn was brown and thin so I fertilized with the basic Scott's product just to pep it up a little and since it's been rainy since, I've had no problems with the grass itself.


    However, I have a large amount of clover and crab grass with just enough dandelions to annoy me mixed in. Is there anything I can do now to help with this or do I have to wait until fall/spring. Any recommendations would be appreciated. I'm not certain what type of grass we even have but I'm guessing it's the bluegrass, ryegrass and fescue mixture since I'm told that is the most common in WNY.

  6. Give me a break dude. The Bills are in negotiation with Evens currently, RB stated that getting LE signed is their number one priority. Peters contract has 3 years left, Evans expires at the end of this year. Let's use a little logic here! I have faith that the Bills will come to an agreement with Evans, then they can move onto the next priority which may or may not be Peters. I think the new Bills brass are doing a fine job! Let's give them a chance here and not jump all over them because there is one hold veteran hold out, which has had no direct contact with the Bills regarding his situation.


    I was under the impression that Lee Evans' contract expires after next season. When they were drafted, didn't Evans sign for a year longer than Losman (who is still under contract...).

  7. Lets not push it. After last offseason, it couldn't get worse unless they moved the team.


    The Sabres still have too many RWs and are missing a second line C (Connolly will hurt his pu$$y in Game 8 and be out until Game 68). A good offseason would have been packaging a winger or two and draft picks to Florida to get Jokinen.


    I'm still holding out hope for Bouwmeester. Imagine him and Rivet each getting 20-25 minutes a game.

    I do not think that "pretty decent" is pushing it.

  8. For the lack of "star power" in the derby last night, this was a perfect opportunity to get this guys incredible story out to the casual fan.


    It really was fun to watch. Mrs. Bullpen (no, not Tanith Belbin, the REAL Mrs. Bullpen) and I watched it last night and she's a casual fan at best and she really seemed into it and wanted to know more about Hamilton. She mentioned something that most people haven't yet, that Morneau really handled the night with a lot of class and recognized that regardless of the winner, Hamilton was the star of the show.


    Side note: everything was better when Morgan played ball, that's a long standing given, but it seemed like Boomer kind of toned his schtick down a bit last night. :ph34r:

    Morneau is a real class act. He played his AAA ball here in Rochester so we got to see his act up close on the field and in the community.

  9. That's what I think as well. I think Joyner is a very good football writer, but sometimes he relies on the numbers too much. Trent had a better ypa than Brady, Manning (the good one), and Losman in their respective first years as starters. Obviously I'm not gonna compare TE to the first 2, but I don't see why he can't improve his ypa this year. Additonally our wrs besides Evans didn't scare anyone last year. If Hardy can contribute a decent amount this year, I defnitely see more big plays downfield when defenses begin cheating up.

    Instead of YPA (Yards/Attempt), try YPC (Yards/Completion). I don't know if it would change the results or not but it would it remove completion percentage from the equation. For example, I'm guessing Losman's YPA was pretty low his first year because if I remember correctly his completion percentage was around ~50%. Edwards' YPA benefits from his accuracy on the short passes.

  10. Watched an episode last night on Science HD based on the recommendation in this thread. It was very enjoyable.


    The episode told the story of the developement of the lunar rover. I'm an engineer so I've loved seeing how they dealt with the limited weight and space they were budgeted. I enjoyed how they were trying to estimate the properties of the moon's surface. I had to laugh at how hard it was for them to get it to unfold itself from it's cargo area. I'm guessing the weight restrictions held them back because that sort of thing is really common place. It also reminded me of how far we've come in the last thirty years in terms of material science.

  11. In 2001, Brady (his 2nd season) completed 32 passes of 20+ yards out of 413 attempted (http://www.nfl.com/players/tombrady/...56&season=2001). That is a percentage of 8%.


    In 2002, Brady (his 3rd season) completed 37 passes of 20+ yards out of 601 attempted (http://www.nfl.com/players/tombrady/...56&season=2002). That percentage is 6%.


    In 1998, Peyton Manning (rookie season) completed 42 passes of 20+ yards out of 575 attempted (http://www.nfl.com/players/peytonman...97&season=1998). That's a percentage of 7%.


    Losman (2nd season) completed 15 passes of 20+ yards out of 228 attempted. That percentage is 6% (http://www.nfl.com/players/j.p.losma...29&season=2005).


    Trent Edwards (rookie season) completed 21 passes of 20+ yards out of 269 attempted. That percentage is 8% (http://www.nfl.com/players/trentedwa...s?id=EDW720778).

    I'd check your stats. There is no way that anyone attempted 413 passes longer than 20 yards in a single season.

  12. When you "think stuff is overpriced", in this case booze, you might sneak a bottle of booze in a bar. You'd order a pepsi or whatever and then inconspicuously poor some of the booze into the drink. But when you blatantly carry in a bottle of booze and poor it into a mixer in full view of everyone, that's believing that you are above the rules. That is a "my sh-- don't stink, look at me" statement right there. There's a big difference and I do hope he "grows out" of that arrogant @sshole attitude....

    How do you know he didn't get caught while inconspicuously pouring some booze into his drink? Can we tell from the article whether it was your first scenario or second? I can't...

  13. according to the Buffalo News.







    But some police officers in Buffalo and Hamburg are not surprised to hear that Lynch is having legal difficulties.


    Lynch was tossed out of two Chippewa Street bars in recent months because he brought in his own bottle of liquor, which is illegal under state alcohol laws, according to three law enforcement officials.


    “[buffalo police] have been told by bar owners that he’ll walk in, order a glass of pop and pour his own liquor into it,” one officer said. “He was told that you can’t do that, and it doesn’t matter if you’re Marshawn Lynch.”


    Law enforcement officials in the Southtowns said Lynch attended a meeting several months ago with three high-ranking members of the Town of Hamburg police. At least one member of Lynch’s family and a Bills security official also attended.


    The meeting was arranged after Lynch complained that police were being tough on him and his family, said a police official who works closely with that department.


    “From what I understand, it was a case of ‘Let’s clear the air here,’ ” the source said. “They thought the police were picking on them.”


    Town police impounded a vehicle that Lynch had been using and lent to a relative. Authorities said the vehicle was impounded after that relative was arrested for violating a vehicle and traffic law.


    After the impoundment, Lynch went to Police Headquarters to reclaim the vehicle, but police wouldn’t give it to him, because it actually belonged to a local car dealer.


    Lynch had a disagreement with some police personnel over the release of the vehicle, apparently prompting the clear-the-air meeting, sources said.


    In addition, Orchard Park police investigated one minor incident, last Dec. 13, near the end of the Bills’ season. A vehicle apparently driven by Lynch struck a pole outside Ralph Wilson Stadium. Police responded, but no charges were filed, according to Orchard Park police records.


    Town of Hamburg police have dealt with Lynch and his family on mostly minor matters, usually involving vehicle and traffic laws.


    That is why one law enforcement official was not surprised to hear about the latest incident involving Lynch’s vehicle.


    “God, no, I wasn’t surprised at all,” the source said. “It follows a pattern. It’s the kind of stuff he’s been doing. He’s just so cavalier about everything. That was always my impression.”

    Why did you leave out the first sentence of this section? The one that says:


    "Police told The Buffalo News that Lynch has no arrest record in New York State and has a clean driving record in the state."
  14. Chris Walsh anyone? (He actually was kinda good)

    Yeah, didn't Walsh end up sticking around with the Vikings for some time? I seem to recall Walsh getting cut from the Bills while Brad Lamb made the cut. I remember thinking that was a mistake because Lamb had that goofy mustache and just didn't look like a Wide Receiver.

  15. Dude needs to handle this incident thing ASAP. The more he farts around, the bigger it gets.

    I doubt it. In fact, I expect the opposite. For better or for worse, this event will probably just die down to nothing. Unless somebody who was in the vehicle talks. Otherwise, there is very little to build a case on. How long do you think it would take a decent lawyer to poke holes in any "eye witness" testimony when the identification would had to have taken place at 3 AM in the morning during a night of drinking through the tinted windows of a moving vehicle?

  16. Does this make sense?


    In the Va Beach Public School System there are NO F's. It's A, B, C, D, E. Can't call a kid a Failure I guess. And the criteria is alot tougher than when I was a kid growing up in Buffalo. Something like.. 100-94=A, 93-86=B, 85-80=C, 79-74=D, >73=E

    What's the problem? Looks like they've just replaced the letter F with E...and made it tougher to get a passing grade....

  17. That was certainly a hoot, but I thought it was out of character for Dwight...Dwight's not that bright to pull off such a prank. It would have been more plausible coming from Jim.

    I don't know. The bit with Kevin was relatively simple, and they showed Dwight thoroughly botching the racoon prank, which was definitely in line with Dwight's track record.

  18. No sh--?!?


    As for Target, I went in there once when I was shopping for a new toaster. Just by the dilapidated condition of their store and help, I wasn't expecting much; literally worse than Wal-Mart. Then, the only toasters they had in stock were ~$80. Their electronics department is a !@#$ing joke; look online and they have like 20 items. If they put half the effort in making their stores look and function better as they do in making their TeeVee commercials... their business model is 90% marketing and the only way they get by is signing fruity name 'designers' to put their autograph on cheap Made in China crap and getting the lemmings with a hipster cover song.


    I refuse to buy knockoff brands for bigger items. Going with a long-time reputable brand isn't an absolute guarantee that things won't go wrong, but.... Coincidence that people report the cheapo products lasting to just after the warranty expires? Wares of all kinds are designed to fail in short order --- it gets people back in the stores, which is what our economy is now based on and what our society's throwaway mentality has become.

    Interesting. Here in Rochester, Target is definitely on the higher end of that type of store. Significantly nicer than Wal-Mart.

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