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Posts posted by Wraith

  1. Good point about Moorman. He is an incredible talent. He also had the fumble recovery which was huge....how often do you see a punter at the bottom of a pig pile!!! :devil:

    That was Lindell.


    I love the fact that our kickers are tougher than some teams defensive backs (think Deion Sanders here).

  2. Air is actually an amazing insulator. A lot of insulation types are just different ways of trapping a stagnant layer of air around whatever is being insulated. If you can keep air from moving (thus eliminating convection) it will be a very good insulator because it has a very low thermal conductivity.


    It's also why 72 degree water feels a heck of a lot colder than 72 degree air. Your body heat is transfered away much faster in water.

  3. Also would like to say that while Losman has had some nice throws, I have seen enough to remember why he can't be our starter...


    way too many of the completed throws off target forcing the receivers to either slow down, adjust or come to a complete stop to get the ball caught instead of putting it where they can continue in stride while catching the pass...

    the worst was the Lynch throw where instead of getting 4 or 5 yards he ended up losing 4 yards because he had to jump and and turn around to catch teh ball, landing at a dead stop and giving the DB plenty of time to get up the field and make the play. The pass to Jenkins over the middle to convert a 3rd down was pretty bad too...the guy was wide open and he threw high and behind him and only a nice spinning catch by Jenkins resulted in a first down catch...he is looking pretty decent tho...definitely seems to be getting rid of the ball quicker, but just doesn't seem to be able to put the ball where its needed to help get some serious YAC...

    A couple of notes. A) Losman also had many passes that were pinpoint on in the first half. B) It's been argued by many that Edwards is better at leading his receivers on short throws than Losman, leading to more yards after the catch. However, the statistics from last year showed that Losman and Edwards average Yards/Completion were nearly identical while Losman's completion percentage was SIGNIFICANTLY higher on passes throw 10 yards or less down field (I.E. The short one, timing patterns). Perception is an interesting thing.

  4. For a team who didn't score on any drive at the end of a half, it seems very strange that the Bills would just pack it in when they could have gotten some much needed work on their 2 minute drill...I mean lets face it...these guys aren't exactly the early 90 Bills in terms of scoring...


    Not sure why Jauron would be so conservative in a game that means nothing...he is coaching like he would during the regular season when up by 17 at the half and not in a preseason game...


    Anyways, just a little surprised they didn't try and run some plays to see how they did...

    That WAS our two minute drill.

  5. In the last preseason game, on McKelvin's last kickoff return, I thought he came up gimpy, after holding his groin for a second or two. I haven't seen the guy since then, and nothing has been said about him. I hope he's okay..

    McKelvin was participating in the night practice on Tuesday night. Full speed.

  6. That actually implies that Chris Brown remembers all of JP's other interviews being bad ones.

    Only in your mind, I'm afraid.


    When Brown remarked that Edwards was showing good accuracy in camp this year, did it imply he ordinarly does not? Does every compliment given to a player by Chris Brown imply something negative? Or only the one's about J.P. Losman?

  7. Losman was on CBS Buffalo yesterday. Did anyone see his beard? My god it is so ridiculous. Un-trimmed and scruff. He was talking about being ready, and he did sound immature and like a baby.

    That's interesting, because Chris Brown called it the best interview Losman has ever given as a member of the Buffalo Bills.

  8. I didn't say he had to speak his mind. If he can't differentiate between what he should and shouldn't say, he is even less of a professional than what I believe.


    Please. Hardly a day goes by that an athlete or coach doesn't say something they have to apologize for or retract soon thereafter. Losman had two choices this offseason: A) Stay silent, or B) Speak to the press and spout the cliches over and over again and hope some "journalist" like Jerry Sullivan doesn't eventually say something that pisses Losman off enough that he finally says something emotional (i.e. stupid) which immediately earns him the "immature" label with the press and with the fans, and worst of all, possibly the coaches or his teammates.


    Losman is the back up quarterback and thus is under no obligation to be the "face of the team" as he previously was while he was the starter. Given that, and weighing the risk versus reward, why in the world would Losman choose option B? To appease a few overly critical fans? That seems to be the only benefit, as even the overly sensitive Buffalo media doesn't appear to be holding Losman's "slight" against him. The prudent, and professional thing to do in this situation was to go about his business and keep his mouth shut. I find it incredible that you disagree.


    Last night at training camp, the Bills offense tried a screen pass to Marshawn Lynch out of the backfield. Ryan Denney read the play and was unblocked and Trent Edwards basically threw a soft pass right to him. I'm sure the minute Edwards let go of that ball he wished he hadn't. Had he done that in a game he would've felt really stupid. Nobody in the crowd said a word.


    Later, Losman is in the game and neatly side steps an unblocked blitzer and heaves a long pass to the left pylon of the endzone. The pass sails out of play with no one within 10 yards of it. Anyone with eyes could see the intended receiver, Felton Huggins, and the DB covering him, Reggie Corner, get tangled up and go down in a heap together at the 15 yard line. Yet, a chorus of boos rained down from the stands and several derogatory remarks were yelled Losman's way because of the pass.


    The point of my story is that there are clearly plenty of fans who are just looking for something to criticize Losman about that they wouldn't criticize if it were from someone they liked or were indifferent to. In my example, these people were willing to overlook obvious evidence contradicting their criticism.


    This seems like one of those cases, too.

  9. Did anyone believe we wouldn't choke last night? With some obvious exceptions, it seems like our women's gymnastics team historically hasn't had the same mental constitution as our totalitarian opponents.

    From what I can tell, the root cause of this problem is that the U.S. keeps insisting on sending teenage girls to compete while our opponents send robots.

  10. I'd rather have a guy who can consistently complete a 7 yard crossing pattern or out than the 70 yard bomb twice a season.

    Then you'd probably rather have Losman:


    Edwards on passes thrown less than ten yards in the air, 2007: 59.7% on 201 Attempts


    Losman on passes thrown less than ten yards in the air, 2007: 72.0% on 129 Attempts

    Losman on passes thrown less than ten yards in the air, 2006: 71.8% on 302 Attempts


    There are plenty of short comings to pick on for Losman, but short passing isn't one of them.

  11. He played the 1st quarter - 4 series. I wish the Bills would have had TE on the field more than they did. It's not like they need to find out who their #2 QB will be... :wallbash:

    Edwards played the 1st quarter for the Bills. Losman's first snap came with 48 seconds left in the 1st quarter. The problem was the offense couldn't stay on the field and the defense couldn't get off of it. I agree it would've been nice to see more from Edwards and if I were the coach I would've left him longer, but we must acknowledge that a big part of the reason Edwards saw so few attempts was his and his teammates fault.

  12. I love that people are using great discretion in hurrying to call this one of the "Greatest Moments in Olympic History." PLEASE!!! Great moments in Olympic history? We're talking Jesse Owens, Wilma Ruldolph, Bob Beamon, Miracle on Ice, etc.


    Not Michael Phelps and three other guys we've never heard of and won't ever remember, who won a race they were favored to win anyways. How can it be one of the great Olympic moments if nobody will have any clue what you're talking about when you bring it up in December?


    Some French dude talked shiit. He didn't back it up. Yawn.


    I'm glad the US team battled hard and won the gold. But people and media are really reaching when describing the magnitude of this thing. I realize that whatever just happened is the greatest thing ever. It's similar to the calls after the Giants-Patriots Super Bowl that it was the greatest football championship game ever. It wasn't. The truth is, if Phelps wasn't involved it wouldn't be getting 1/10th of the attention.

    The French were heavy favorites. If Phelps weren't involved, Lezak would be getting more attention, not less. Lezak did something amazing.

  13. Please. JP sucked against the Broncos, Steelers, Dolphins and Jags. It was his own fault. As for his promising 2006 season, he had like 4 good starts (against terrible defenses but that's besides the point I guess). Two different coachign staffs benched him. In at least 75% of his starts, he was an average to below average QB. It's not "hating", it's the truth.


    Again, I don't care who is the QB. Both seem like good guys. But one thing I hate is crappy QB play that this team has had for 8 years. IF I was a coach, I'd be very nervous to place all my cards on JP too. He is jsut too inconsistent. But let's stop with the excuses people. JP Losman himself lost his job.


    And so I'm not called a "hater," Edwards sucked on Saturday. :huh:

    Please. I've written pages on the progress Losman made year over year from '05 to '06. You clearly don't care about those facts. Regardless, Losman basically lost his job because of two starts and an injury. The minute Juaron refused to give Losman a vote of confidence after Edwards' competent performance against the worst team in the league, it was over for Losman. The great games and the bad games by Losman after the fact were just interesting footnotes. We better just pray that Jauron (or whoever is pulling the strings) doesn't do the same thing to Edwards or he'll no chance of developing into a solid quarterback.

  14. True. But, there has to be a threshold... No? They can only go so fast... Can't keep on getting faster.



    Maybe they just haven't reached it here yet? :huh:


    Five teams is odd though.

    You would think so.


    There's a good article on SI.com regarding swimming records. The author has personally witnessed 8 records broken in track events during 22 years covering the Olympics. He witness 6 broken records this weekend in the pool.




    Part of it is technology, I assume.

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