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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. This team was amazing to watch all season. Even when they hit that rough patch midway it was still easy to see they had top flight leadership and it paid off. I'm an '05 grad of UB and witnessed more wins this season than in my entire college career there. Incredibly enjoyable. Very talented. Great coaching. Sweet.
  2. Proud UB Alum ('05) here, and I'm laughing my freakin' ass off. Hey LV, how'd this taste? Hahahahahaha. Buffalo totally outclassed your boys. Perfect.....
  3. Again, I disagree. These weren't called screen passes or swing passes. There is no play in the playbook for "stand in the pocket for six seconds then dump it off for a two yard gain." A couple of things that scare me about Edwards' regression: 1) How many times we had receivers waiving their arms while wide open to get Edwards' attention. I saw Evans do it repeatedly. I saw Lynch, Royal, Schouman, and Steve Johnson do it as well. That never used to happen with Edwards. 2) A couple of times Edwards didn't even seem to know where is dump off receiver was and hit him late. I've knocked Edwards since the beginning for being unwilling to throw the ball downfield regularly. But even I am shocked by this recent skid. It used to be that while we never got a big play out of the kid, at least he didn't do anything really negative, either. Not anymore. He's getting worse and worse with each game.
  4. Disagree. Lee Evans was open on a consistent basis down field. Especially later in the game. It was like Cleveland gave up on covering him. Did Evans even get a ball thrown in his direction all night? Edwards just had no interest in throwing down field. The only thing that kept him from looking totally incompetent tonight was the play of Lynch, Jackson, and McKelvin. They played out of their minds tonight.
  5. Gee, if only someone had thought to make a thread asking how bad the snow would be.
  6. Yes he did. Again. This is a quarterback who has very little interest in trying for the big play. We accept that because he's supposed to be great at long methodical drives that end in scores by minimizing the negative plays. This is the second consecutive week where he delivered on the first part of that pact (no big plays) but not on the second (no mistakes). He handed the Jets ten points with his turn overs. He took three off the board for his own team with that interception return. He took two horrible sacks when he had plenty of time to throw, run, or get rid of the ball on consecutive plays to turn a chipshot field goal into a challenging field goal that Lindell ultimately missed. That's a -16 margin that Edwards is partially or fully responsible for. These are mistakes that would be much easier to dismiss if Edwards countered them with big plays. But he so rarely does that. Frankly, he's regressing badly.
  7. I'm sorry, what topic is it that I'm supposedly dancing around? Because I'm talking about the disapproval of Bush/Media/Brainwashing and I've think I've done a pretty good job of sticking to it.
  8. None of us were on that door step with you that day. I have no idea what they did or did not say to you. But I can say that just because they did not articulate their disapproval of George Bush in a way that satisfied you, without notice, at their front door, it does not mean that their disapproval is irrational and/or driven by the media.
  9. Why the personal insults? You're trying awfully hard to sound like an intellectual and you discredit that with insults. You honestly don't see how your statement implies that in order to dislike Bush you need to have been brainwashed by the media?
  10. I'm no mind reader but I'm guessing it was this: "What I took from that day was that the street (for whatever reason) had all succumbed to the unfortuanate Bush-bashing that our media presented us. Because of this, without really understanding why, they abandoned their reasons and their political alignments. From this I understood that one, the "American" is extremely hypocritical, and two, once you're brainwashed you can't go back."
  11. Nice. Couldn't formulate a response? How is this even remotely related to how many homes John McCain has and whether or not he can relate to the average American as he claims?
  12. There's no way you're really as dense as you're pretending to be with this response. The issue people have with the McCain multiple mansion story is not that he has "more" than them. The McCain/Palin ticket has invested a lot of time and effort into trying to produce the perception amongst the so-called "Average American" that not only are they truly "Average Americans" themselves but that they are the only ones who are capable of representing the "Average American" in government because Obama is an elitist. After having this propaganda piece beaten over our heads for months, you have the gall to claim it's jealousy when we scoff at McCain's housing situation?
  13. The thread starter and the "journalist" are clearly basing their opinion that this book is about Obama based on the book title and tagline, two things the author of the book has no control over. In almost every case, the publishers choose the title of the book. Think it's possible they stuck Obama's name in the title to try to get extra attention because he's running for president? No waaaaaay.
  14. Oh please. Statistics don't lie. Idiots who pull random data out of context (ie King) are the liars and anyone who believes the "statistics" without checking the context are just as stupid. Eball was right on when he checked the context of King's data (the common sense test), but used statistics himself to try to prove that Kings statistics were misleading and that the Bills defense was better than King claims. 253 yards in 53 minutes of meaningful football? Sounds like a stat to me. Are those stats lying, too? Let's cut the "stats are for losers" talk, shall we? People use statistics to lie just like they use language. Let's all stop talking to one another. Statistics have been crucial to the develop of pretty much everything we touch and use and the sport football is pretty simple compared to that. Lazy journalism is for losers, not statistics.
  15. Not sure what you're basing those expectations on. Most of what I heard leading up to this debate was that McCain better decisively win this debate as foreign policy is supposed to be his strong suite.
  16. Sorry, but you being at the game means your opinion should count less, not more. I'll take the opinion of the guy who saw it in slow motion in high definition from three angles every time. Having been that guy, I can say with absolute certainty that the PI call was horrible. Evans basically swatted the DBs hands away from his face. Very little contact, no push at all. BAD CALL.
  17. There we people this preseason saying Reed couldn't make the roster of most other NFL teams, let alone start....
  18. Agreed. The NFL is far more to blame by still restricting replay in this manner. The replay restrictions are slowly being done away with, but only after some team or official gets burned by them, one by one. The restrictions were understandable when replay was first instituted and not fully understood. We've had replay for, what, a decade now? I think the rules committee can adequately predict the reaction when the restriction are removed now....
  19. Didn't they change the rule so that even if the whistle blew, if on replay it was clear who was going to recover the fumble, they could still over turn the play? I swear they did. Either way, this call was inexcusable. The ball went backwards. There was no possible way it was an incomplete pass whether Cutler's arm was going forward or not. Horrible.
  20. Evans absolutely mauled his guy on Lynch's TD run. Ran him right out of bounds.
  21. Anybody else notice that on Parrish's TD, Corto threw both the first and last blocks to spring him? That was unbelievable hustle.
  22. That was Lindell. I love the fact that our kickers are tougher than some teams defensive backs (think Deion Sanders here).
  23. Air is actually an amazing insulator. A lot of insulation types are just different ways of trapping a stagnant layer of air around whatever is being insulated. If you can keep air from moving (thus eliminating convection) it will be a very good insulator because it has a very low thermal conductivity. It's also why 72 degree water feels a heck of a lot colder than 72 degree air. Your body heat is transfered away much faster in water.
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