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Everything posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. Please carefully read the false equivalence of the ABC News post comparing Hitler to Trump. Hitler's intention was never to deport 11 million Jews. It was to exterminate the entire race as part of the Final Solution. If you can't see the cascade of problems caused by illegal immigration, you are being myopic and/or willfully ignorant. And stop referring to them as "workers". They are illegal immigrants first, most of whom are content to live off the government teat.
  2. another hysterical red herring with no intention other than distraction, courtesy of ABC News
  3. that could have been done by the Babylon Bee but it actually happened. there is no way Biden makes it to the nomination. President Biden, a good American 🇺🇸 President !! ….🤣
  4. just like they don’t mess around with national security at the border, right? you might have wanted to think through that comment a bit more ….
  5. no, I’m just calling BS on BS Time. I’m pointing out your behavior on this board, not labeling you as you reflexively do when you are falling down the slope vs an opposing viewpoint (i.e. the Nazi reference) Go fu*k yourself
  6. you’re calling ME a Nazi - you don’t know me and you never will go fu*k yourself
  7. You’re a sad little man/woman/whatever. Calling the opposing view of a poster who disagrees with your drivel as a Nazi - that really advances the conversation. Name-calling, sh*t stirring, posting nothing of value ….that’s why you are reviled here. A fraud/amateur agitator on a Bills fan board who posts nothing about the team or the game. You need some sunlight.
  8. that’s all you …. go back to your white-hating, race hustling sh*t post thread ….
  9. when BS Time has nothing - an accusation is its’ own confession go away and sh*t post in the 9 other threads you’re active in today. 🤡🤡🤡
  10. Referring to your sh*t posts as contributions is the height of narcissism. I have no keeper, we all know who yours is.
  11. not mad at all despite your idiotic GIFs when you have nothing useful to reply with. I’m actually having a blast adding to everyone ridiculing you, it’s been a fun Sunday all the way around. are you a masochist who loves the self-imposed abuse, a narcissist who loves the attention, or a combination of both?
  12. Here it is, doubling down on the deflection … provide proof that I am DR. I am not, ergo, you cannot. You are nothing more than a toxic, obsessive-compulsive schitt poster.
  13. the classic red herring deflection when called out for its’ DR obsession, including the worn out Trump GIF. Par for the course
  14. he/she/it/they/them’s OCD is on full display again, it can’t let go of DR and wants so badly to believe I am DR. Proof once again that extreme liberalism is a mental disorder.
  15. Tibs, once again, it's great to see you're no stranger to sarcasm
  16. can you try to make a cogent point instead of sounding like a petulant little b ? ”you people” ??? and you support a weak loser of a reptilian puppet who has driven this country into the ground. But you blissfully think everything is great, because you can’t see reality, only party dogma. Can you even think for yourself, or think critically? Shame.
  17. "some big drops" ? ..... please elaborate Kincaid is a vacuum cleaner. Sounds like you're still lost in the Pine Barrens.
  18. But yet countries like Egypt refuse to accept Palestine refugees . Yay Brandon !! The American version of Neville Chamberlain.
  19. very fair points, I was just referring to the stereotype that McD is very reluctant to play rookies. After a slow start in camp, Torrence won the RG job outright and had a great rookie season.
  20. Torrence and McD would beg to differ
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