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Everything posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. Not the strongest rebuttal. Reads like a throwaway response when there’s nothing meaningful to say.
  2. the whispering Biden is cringey AF ..... weird
  3. SAVING DEMOCRACY !!! .... one illegitimate vote at a time
  4. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/non-sequitur something said or written that is unrelated to what immediately precedes: "Your comment is at best a non sequitur, and bears zero relevance to the issue at point."
  5. Yes, she does have a demeanor and a way of speaking. Both idiotic.
  6. Exactly. And the worst part is it's the country that if suffering as a result. Dems do not want what is in the best interest of the people, but only seek to brazenly retain power at all costs. Hence all the bluster about Trump the Nazi/fascist, "saving democracy" (...their version, of course), rejecting and expanding the SC, etc etc.
  7. So, in a few (short) other words, the Dems are screwed either way. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.
  8. Which Effect? None, because it’s not going to happen…
  9. Makes sense coming from the liberal elitist groupthink.
  10. agree with everything except the dog whistle comment.
  11. AKA white liberal guilt, often virtue signaling
  12. Politically expedient euphemisms and moving the goalposts as they go along. We could start a book full of this dishonest word salad “they’re good for the economy…essential to our workforce!” (with a blissfully ignorant straight face)
  13. Keep it up with demonizing 50+% of the country just like Biden did with his Reichstag speech. Anyone with half a functioning brain can see this charade for what it is. Enjoy your bourbon tonight and your "win", which precisely illustrates the polarized zero-sum game everyone can see right through.
  14. sh*t post lies from BS Time carrying the water for ABC News and Ron Filipkowski (...among others) bother me I'm laughing at the Trump/Hitler comparisons. It's distractions like this which are all your side has at this point, and the Dems will manufacture more between now and November. Your side has no record to run on, so continue being the BS messenger.
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