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Everything posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. Never let a good crisis go to waste Selective outrage
  2. so you try to engage/advance a conversation with name-calling and cute memes/troll jobs? you can go away now - you're embarrassing yourself you seriously don't know what sic means ?
  3. NO. I'm not comparing Biden to Trump but you, pathologically, are. I'm not here to defend Trump & I have no interest in even trying. I think Biden is pathetically bad on several levels and will go down as one of the worst, ineffectual Presidents ever. An "American who acts like an American" - compared to a "soar" (sic) loser?....🤡
  4. your first mistake is assuming Trump is "my" savior - he's not. I could care less if Biden is a D or a R, I do care he is a cognitive mess who is failing badly while embarrassing himself and our country. I'm not interested in engaging someone who ends all his posts directed at at his opposition with "idiots".
  5. I don't think Biden is an improvement over anyone - period. Really.
  6. do you want to have an honest discussion about Biden's failures/accomplishments, or do you want to keep deflecting by asking what Trump didn't do? If you're going to finish every attempted barb with the word "idiots", you might want to spell the word correctly .... not a good look.
  7. You mean the $3.5 trillion spending bill? that’s the straw man you want to posit as a shining example of Biden’s competence?
  8. I'm not denying anything - you are stuck on a singular talking point which you won't let go of I'm not siding with Trump on the election issue; I am very concerned we have a massively feeble sitting President in steep decline whose daily highlight seems to be what flavor of pudding he'll be having for his afternoon snack.
  9. never let facts get in the way of trying to score a cheap political point ..... #shocker
  10. wow - that's a crafty non-answer Biden doesn't even know what year it is - truth
  11. Please cite examples of Biden's accomplishments/competence.....I'm all ears
  12. Jimmy Carter was a nice, decent man too A modicum of competence is all we're asking for.
  13. and if you don't bring your A game the Jags will beat you
  14. NO His fracture was surgically repaired
  15. Already looking forward to the GOAT (Kevin Harlan) on the call for Sunday
  16. hot take alert
  17. Thanks for the link. Informative? yes ....... revelatory? no Recruiting is a necessary part of the entire program. No coincidence, either, that the best players WANT to go to the best programs. Georgia is one of those.
  18. please post Smart's statement about recruiting if you do have it. You're taking a very myopic view of how an elite, top-tier program is run aside from recruiting, there's coaching, coordination, off-season workouts, dealing w/ boosters, academics, and I'm sure a ton of other stuff And neither you nor I know the exact reason why Smart laid into Bennett. Perhaps Bennett was instructed to keep his foot on the gas and go for the jugular (because that's how you have a chance to beat Alabama)
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