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Everything posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. You should should get out of your Mom's basement, interact with real people, breathe some fresh air, get a job, and get off the keyboard. Sparring with you is a waste of time which I will never get back. A little over a month ago, I entered this forum with the intention of having some decent conversation, especially with those on the other side of the aisle. Then I got dragged into the muck with you. What a mistake. You revel in baiting people by name and I'm not going down that rabbit hole again. I quickly realized that trying to engage you is like trying to discuss politics or religion around the table at a large family gathering. It's a no win situation. Here's an actual quote of yours from a different topic: "The inability of people to discern between polemics and reality is the primary driver of division in our time. It occurs on all sides of the political spectrum and prevents honest conversations about complex issues, which can be healing and unifying, from ever occurring." I would agree 100% with this statement and I'm honestly shocked that you were the one who wrote this. I say this because you behave, nonstop, as a polemicist, and contribute absolutely nothing to civil discourse. The fact you offered the bolded statement is extremely rich in irony. It's people like you, who are too comfortable spewing garbage from behind the safety of your own keyboard, who add zero value.
  2. Really? You are making this up. I see you're mining old threads for keywords which belong to someone else. You have way too much time on your hands. Trolling people and engaging in warfare from the safety & comfort behind your keyboard (in your Mom's basement) is your full-time job and apparently the only satisfaction you get from your miserable life. How pathetic that you get off of getting under people's skin. It's what you do. Don't tag me on your idiotic posts. your conspiracy theories are juvenile and pathetic - nice try though.
  3. GTFO - you need help. Once again you have no response so you continue the bulls*t charade of insisting I am someone else.
  4. that about sums it up - tag people on a post for no reason to provoke a response = TROLL respond to a direct question with a GIF or meme lather, rinse, repeat get a life and get out of your Mom's basement. You are an insufferable libtard and unlikeable to boot. You can't defend Biden in the slightest, so you post 24/7 about an ex-President who lives rent-free in your head IDIOT
  5. what exactly is your attempted point by tagging me on one of your inane posts?
  6. c'mon bro, I think (I hope) you're smart enough to know this has nothing to do with ice cream. .
  7. Biden has far more important decisions to ponder- like what flavor of ice cream to eat each day
  8. You just can't make this stuff up - in the People's Republic of Vermont, even flannel shirts are offended and demanding greater equity
  9. ....DEVASTATED ..... ohhhh, the horror melodramatic much ?? #collusion
  10. Don’t get excited. He won’t be there at 25.
  11. it may snow tomorrow, it may not ..... 50/50 chance of partly cloudy weather too
  12. that's what happens when someone has nothing to do all day and all day to do it ....
  13. The advice to ignore rather than engage with a troll is sometimes phrased as "Please don't feed the trolls." goodbye you idiot
  14. using your word search again - how resourceful of you. and I suppose you're going to claim DR lives here in Sarasota? Because, you know, that's what you do hack
  15. keep phishing, you hack "intellectual dishonesty" is a commonly used phrase - and the word "discernment" is not atypical either. but hey, whatever keeps you jobless and so useless to society >> keep it up !
  16. exactly - who's the disturbed one? ...... the sheer hypocrisy did you forget your meds today? oh no, this is your everyday schtick good bye - not wasting my time dealing with a psychotic, passive/aggressive ahole
  17. no proof provided whatsoever ... only in your small mind get a life ...... "lol"
  18. provide proof or otherwise STFU you have no proof - further evidence you're a troll who just seeks to antagonize and provoke a response.
  19. Obama was better than Biden - at least he was competent and mentally fit
  20. you have no proof of anything - whatsoever. You apparently have so much time on your hands that you're been reduced to mining old posts to search for common language being used; you really do have way too much time on your hands. It's a common curse of the shiftless, itinerant, and jobless. So now you are taking common phraseology and convincing yourself I am someone else? That's rich ..... Bless your heart .....
  21. you are the one embarrassing yourself with the conspiracy theories accusing me and others of having an alter ego. You have no proof of anything and you're nothing but a troll. seriously - get out of your Mom's basement, get a job, get away from the keyboard, and get a life.
  22. OK, let me ask again b/c you can't answer the question.......on what grounds or proof are you accusing me of being someone else? you can't - so I suggest you stop doing it. You're nothing but a petty antagonist. Grow up....
  23. you actually think I'm someone else? on what grounds or proof? you need help - those voices inside your head are taking over
  24. No, I can actually think for myself based on what I see & hear from Biden. If you actually want to think he's competent and doing a good job, that's up to you
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