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Everything posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. yes, along with the never-ending Ertz references
  2. You were slandered as well Deek? …..makes him an even bigger pompous d-bag
  3. ahhhh.....the legend of DR is growing again in BillsTime's mush melon
  4. A heartbeat away from the Presidency - this is disturbing & frightening.
  5. he won't admit he's wrong, just like he refused to retract his unfounded accusation of me. That would have been the decent thing to do, but he's above all that - his typical MO. A lack of decency, humility, or civility as he hides behind his keyboard throwing bombs and posting libtard Tweets and cute memes.
  6. Yep, it would be the decent thing to do but I’m not holding my breath
  7. either provide proof I said it or retract your statement. I don't have time for your juvenile nonsense.
  8. Hear me out ..... Easily a contender for post of the year - 'tis the silly season indeed With Metcalf spelled incorrectly to boot
  9. we may just need a bigger font, different colors, or a ridiculously sophomoric meme
  10. Ok troll, keep listening to those voices in your head. We all know you are certifiable. You took the bait so easily.
  11. you are a f**king idiot. You reached back to a DR post from 2017 that has zero correlation to this conversation. Your insistence that DR has "multiple logins" is neurotic. keep wrestling with your conspiracy theories .... it's entertaining
  12. "Projecting" is your go-to response when you have nothing to say ....
  13. Wait .... an hour ago you thought BillsFanNC was DR ...... what's going on Billsy? Getting confused again? You need help IDIOT
  14. there you go again with your multiple personality disorder - bro you have WAY too much time on your hands ..... get a life
  15. watch out @BillsFanNC ..... Bill is having his multiple personality disorder again. He was adamant I was DR also .....
  16. Longest offseason ever - already
  17. 636x382_MP4_4832085825453732933.mp4
  18. Speaking of Adderall and Fixodent, what was up with Pelosi? She looked off the rails with her weird facial expressions and reactions. Looked like she was trying to readjust her dentures.
  19. I caught that Doc - pretty embarrassing
  20. what a logical, conciliatory statement refreshing because this place can be downright uncivil via the keyboard warriors on this board
  21. I can see spelling is not your strong suit
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