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Everything posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. "will be traded" does not equal "could be traded"
  2. make sure you're masked up if you're driving by yourself - with the windows up, of course ......FML
  3. https://www.axios.com/jen-psaki-leaving-white-house-msnbc-a75bdbc6-4c6b-43f9-b406-e104ea3b88e9.html White House press secretary Jen Psaki is in exclusive talks with MSNBC to join the network after she leaves the White House around May, according to a source close to the matter. Psaki is now in exclusive talks with MSNBC, and the deal is nearly final. Leaving for more money or perhaps getting tired of cleaning up Joe's messes? ....... probably both
  4. Thanks for the detailed reply @MrEpsYtown….!
  5. asking a question to those who may know more about OL play on a technical level; is there a huge difference between playing LG/RG (other than being on a strong side with a TE) ? since Bates is lauded nonstop for his positional versatility, flexibility, and smarts, why would RG not be a seamless transition for him?
  6. I’m not trying to defend Trump - at all. I’m making an observation about your convoluted statement.
  7. In this case the “real world harm” is the suppression of free speech which social media is ramping up, certainly in direct contravention to the First Amendment.
  8. Rigging = counting legitimate votes ? That’s some pretzel logic ….
  9. OK moron, I see you're doubling down - have fun with that
  10. it's pretty funny you call out people on a daily basis for being "morans" ...... https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/moron
  11. One login. No need to confuse your small mind with others.....so STFU with your DR nonsense. I post facts, not hypocrisy, unlike you, who posts dumbass opinions from Twitter as facts. How does it feel to have zero allies on this Board, and to be so utterly unlikeable and insufferable?
  12. how many lols or lmaos can you cram into one post? how old are you? It doesn't bother me at all that you posit horsesh*t as "inconvenient facts", which make you a serial liar as well as a slanderer, which you have done to me before. Your whole DR schtick is comical and maybe fulfills the attention you crave on this board. The only thing that's "multiple" are the personalities in your head. Yes, you're full of hate - you come on here every single fricking day to throw bombs, pick fights. and call names like an insecure schoolboy. You have zero civility and are a pure ideologue in the worst way... We all know where your safe space is - behind your keyboard in your Mom's basement
  13. I can't read your post, can you please put it in larger fonts in different colors? who's DR? he's EVERYWHERE in your tiny little mind DR and Trump are living rent-free in your melon ......it's comical, you are a predictable hack who spews hate every time you post calling someone a name
  14. yes I was DR, but I guess now that's your badge of honor ...... that's @BillStime's way of keeping the attention on his insecure self
  15. where do you get off telling me to sit this one out, you pompous jackwagon? Pretty rich in irony that you call the other side a "cult", when you and your dumbass Twitter ilk are all cut from the same cloth
  16. Libs - the party of compassion, tolerance, and civility ….on full display again
  17. never have the words spoken in a 32 second clip translated to anything less meaningful
  18. Do you refer to yourself in the third person all the time ?
  19. Heavy.com is like the National Enquirer of sports reporting
  20. Sorry but there’s no way Davis will last until the end of RD1…..not after his performance at the underwear Olympics.
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