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Everything posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. The gift that keeps giving. Every day is a new chapter in a tragicomedy.
  2. “Mobile health clinic” another euphemism which sounds like it’s straight out of Nazi Germany
  3. “Reproductive rights” combined with a political convention… who would have ever guessed? They’re not even pretending to hide it.
  4. The party of death, endless wars, identity politics, crime, and constant division is at again ….
  5. Just keep Tiberius posting … so he can “explian” himself
  6. A terrible combination of political win at any cost behavior (at the expense of every day Americans), shameless ultra-Leftist hubris in the interest of “equity”, zero comprehension of a free market economy, all of which will ruin this country. and she is an idiot…. “No taxes on tips for hospitility (sic) workers”, price controls to go after companies committing “price gauging” (sic) Instead of addressing the root causes of inflation, her socialist proposals would simply make a bad situation terribly worse. Doubling down on Biden’s failed policies - with impunity, while laughing at us all…. And the clapping seals lap it up mindlessly. Complete moron who won’t answer basic questions, but she may commit to an interview “later this month”. DEMOCRACY !!!!
  7. In simple terms ..... when one side (the party currently occupying the WH) has no policy/accomplishments to run on, they start calling the other side "weird" in attempt to do nothing but distract. Then the Repubs reply with accusations of weirdness. Then it goes back and forth so both sides look stupid .... and it marginalizes any coherent debate ....which results in the dumbing down of the electoral process ... and our country looks more stupid by the minute.
  8. if that actually happened, I'd call it malpractice
  9. it's called football, a very violent game. Injuries are part of the game - even on a tackling dummy, an abnormal load placed on the biceps caused this. These "worst conditioning staff" posts don't make sense to me at all.
  10. the obligatory spleen reference making the rounds again ... it never fails
  11. If Ron Filipkowski posted it, it must be true ..... paid hack. The middle-aged version of Harry Sisson and the Krassenstein twinbots
  12. What do the Obamas, Pelosi, Schumer, and Jeffries all have in common? None have endorsed Harris.
  13. That is laughable. I can assure you the Repubs vision for immigration is the polar opposite of the Dems. (illegal) immigration is bad for the economy and you’re too daft to think otherwise. Cheap, off the books labor does nothing except depress wages and the labor market while robbing legal citizens of jobs.
  14. Please elaborate on your side’s vision for the future other than abortion and the new green deal. I’m all ears.
  15. Give it a rest - it’s stuff like this which makes the general population hate the left for the lies it spews. Everyone can see right through the BS. This is what happens when you have no record to run on, no vision for the future, and no comprehensive policies which benefit American citizens. All you can do is lie and demonize. The politics of division at work again.
  16. He either yells defiantly or goes into the creepy/pedo whisper. Reminds me Grandpa Simpson yelling at the clouds. "I didn't use the word crosshairs" - says the sitting President who used the word bullseye ......
  17. The references to J6, Whitmer, and Pelosi while conveniently omitting any mention of Scalise, BLM riots, and Antifa was immediately apparent. It would have been really effective to not be so overtly and obviously political, but that's where we are.
  18. Biden had a chance to deliver a unifying, inspiring speech and could have shown leadership by saying "everything starts with me". He predictably and woefully fell short.
  19. I call BS. Why would the SS ever defer to local LE?
  20. Nice attempted deflection. No one on PPP is laughing at what happened to Paul Pelosi. You and your idiot buddy TH3 are laughing at an assassination attempt.
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