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Everything posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. I'm mildly impressed he actually used the word inflation - that's pretty bold. His handlers/caregivers must have finally realized "Putin's price hike" & "rising prices" were not winning over hearts & minds
  2. no, that's pretty much every day
  3. kind of shocked it wasn't described as "spontaneous combustion"
  4. I’m disappointed, BTC is not “standing with Ukraine”….. what gives ?
  5. "study after study proving, in fact, that's it's liberal voices being silenced" ....clownshow please, oh great Disinformation Czar, do cite said study .....
  6. So you’re suggesting a Ministry of Truth for the government to fact check itself? Not gonna happen
  7. yes, the ubiquitous liberal lockstep Ukrainian flag M.O. ...... what's obvious is the lack of American flag in these Twitter profiles.
  8. just when I think these clowns can't outdo themselves any further, there's something like this .....
  9. I'd run away to MSDNC too if I was her - you can only spin/lie so much (....or can you)?
  10. How about you not misspell his last name in your thread title before anointing him a new nickname?
  11. He had spinal fusion surgery…which is not minor
  12. You’re actually trying to compare Cook to Singletary? C’mon man
  13. “Accommodating the Russians” ?? WTF is he talking about ?
  14. thanks Brandon, very Orwellian of you - perhaps Barry can be a consultant for this boondoggle ... "democracy"
  15. I assume the first round of the draft is tomorrow night
  16. Not going to happen Davis went to Georgia, not Alabama. C’mon man….
  17. aka "Critical Ethnic Studies" .....
  18. wait - wait - wait .....I thought the Nazis were manufacturing this crisis ?
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