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Everything posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. the only thing missing is the blue verified checkmark next to Ron's name - what gives?
  2. and where is the outrage every Monday morning after the weekly slaughter in Chicago? Maybe because it doesn't fit the narrative?
  3. Cancelling it would be an improvement
  4. That was brutal to watch - makes me wonder how thoroughly vetted she was before prior to getting the nod.
  5. 1) it's difficult to respond to nonsensical questions so I won't even try 2) I am in no, way, shape, or form suggesting a war on whites. I am against illegal immigration regardless of the ethnicity of who's breaking the law.
  6. How is permitting record-breaking illegal immigration a protection of our national sovereignty? Please be specific. So glad you don't personally feel threatened..... That's great to hear. I've made my point abundantly clear. And please stop pretending Biden is doing this out of sheer humanity.
  7. Yes, I am suggesting it's not an accident - you don't think unfettered illegal immigration is happening for specific reasons? Yes, I am strongly stating Biden is not enforcing immigration laws or protecting our national sovereignty. You are the one presenting dumbed-down word salad, i.e., "we are not trying hard enough to drive people away", as if we owe these people illegal entry.
  8. you are a walking nonsequitir doesn't matter who "planned" illegal immigration or what these people are fleeing. They're smart enough to know the southern border is open. so are you suggesting your grandfather entered the US illegally as well? yes, it's unfettered ......"not controlled or restricted" https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/unfettered
  9. record-setting, unfettered, illegal immigration would be one cause - would you not agree?
  10. to your comment that the change in demographics "is just happening" ...... c'mon man - it's not an accident
  11. please stop with this canard
  12. so sad to see you go Nina, we hardly knew ye .....how will we ever manage without you?
  13. It's called a domestic terrorist event when it's politically expedient to do so. Yes, it was, even though Biden predictably did not call it as such C'mon Tibs, don't be naive
  14. part of the job description of US President is unifier-in-chief, especially in times of tragedy like this Biden has failed miserably in this role; in fact, his actions & decisions over his time in office have created MORE rancor & divisiveness.
  15. very salient point. Unfortunately we have a couple individuals over at PPP who are demonstrating this behavior right now.
  16. Pro-life can also mean valuing and respecting all life. Not sure if you want to open up a discussion on “death culture” because that goes both ways. you have a nice Sunday Tibs ….
  17. You’re a piece of trash for inserting the “pro-life” Tweet into this tragedy, and you deserve every piece of scorn thrown at you here. You never miss an opportunity to gin things up, don’t you? Your safe space is behind your keyboard, 24/7.
  18. Disgusting on all levels… the original Tweet and the person who posted the Tweet. cheap, gutter partisan politics in the midst of a local tragedy.
  19. My Dad is retired BPD so this really hits home.
  20. no studying required, lying is a prerequisite for the job
  21. "almost all countries"? ..... this thread is about R vs. D, = USA ......... Violence is UP in the US - get it? the book you provided a link to was published in 2012 and the YT clip was from March 2007 c'mon man
  22. Violence is down? In which country are you referring to?
  23. one of many examples of word salad/euphemisms intended to deflect from the issue at hand
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