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Posts posted by Merle

  1. 19 minutes ago, longtimebillsfan said:

    Isn't that 4 points?  Which one are you not worried about?

    Ha!   You're right - I guess I've been convinced not to worry about #2 "Bad Josh" anymore.  😉   That was probably more of a "knee-jerk" reaction to watching Bills teams find a way to "grab defeat from the jaws of victory" over the years.   So glad those days are over!

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  2. 56 minutes ago, Pokebball said:

    I don't like "Bad Josh"?


    Josh is pretty dang good and we have to allow our guys to make a mistake, don't we?

    "Bad Josh" was the just the moniker folks used to describe Josh last year when he would make bad decisions (usually trying to make a play when it would have been better to either throw it away, or even just take a sack).   He seemed to have "grown out of that" for the most part this year ... but it surfaced again on that one play today.   I don't expect him to be perfect with his "execution" ... I just want him to make the right decision.   Trying to make "something out of nothing", and in the process, giving up a possible FG attempt, and nearly losing the ball, was the absolute worst case possible.   He really had pretty much stopped make decisions like that this year ... but it showed up again at the worst possible time.

  3. Three things from this game worry me going forward in the playoffs:


    1.  Designed QB runs are back from some reason - way too many, and mostly not effective, and exposed Josh to unnecessary hits.  Yes, the first one down near the goal line worked, but the second one was nearly a disaster ... that Josh turned into a "fluke" TD to Knox.


    2.  "Bad Josh" showed up on the play where he lost 20 yards on a sack and nearly fumbled it away when the Bills  were within FG range near the end of the game.   


    3.  Pass rush was pretty much non-existent.


    4. Colts essentially left 7 points on the table (going for it on 4th down instead of FG, going for 2 instead of 1, doinked 33-yd FG) and lost by 3. 


    On the other hand, this was exactly the type of game that the "old Bills" definitely would have lost somehow (either on that "hail Mary", or some other way).   The fact that they won "in spite of themselves" against a Colts team that was much better than anyone thought is a positive.


    Go Bills!

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  4. 1 minute ago, Reks Ryan said:

    I saw Anthony Walker get banged up,

    but I didn’t see D Leonard come off the field. He was playing late in the 4th QTR. What happened?  Was it a contact or non-contact injury? 

    He came off the field earlier in the 4th after making a tackle on 2nd down.   I didn't notice that he had come back in.   Just heard a "Zoom" interview with him after the game - he's fine, and no doubt about playing next week.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, whatdrought said:

    Really curious is Antonio Williams gets to suit up for this game. Seems like he earned it, but not sure who gets pulled. 

    Didn't really get to see him need to do much in pass protection today.   Wonder what that part of his game is like at this point?   He sure has "fresh legs", and was a determined runner today.   Looked like the reincarnation of Marshawn!


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  6. 52 minutes ago, Bangarang said:

    Rivers is toast. I like our chances of blowing them out.

    I live in Indianapolis now, so have "had to" watch nearly all of their games this year.   Rivers is definitely at or near the end of his career, and his arm won't scare anybody.   BUT ... he is smart, knows where to go with the football, and their O-line does an excellent job protecting him.   Of biggest concern is the Colts' running game, with Taylor and Hines.   That sets up everything they do on offense.   The Bills will need to "sell out" to stop the run, and take their chances with Rivers' passing.   If they can jump out to a quick lead, and force Indy to rely on Phillips' arm, they should be fine.   On the other side of the ball, their defense is stout against the run, but their secondary has been "shaky" at times, especially against teams with 2 or more good receivers.  LB Darius Leonard, the "heart and soul" of their D, left the game today with some sort of injury.   Haven't heard any sort of injury report on him yet.  

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  7. On 9/28/2020 at 10:02 PM, Sharky7337 said:

    It was one game. But I think we are seeing the void left by the departures of Kyle and Lorenzo. 


    Edmunds does not seem to be a leader of men type and is young. Milano has fire but im not sure he fits the bill either.


    I'm not saying there is no leadership at all - just maybe less of it.


    We are missing some playmakers up front and we don't seem to have that veteran guy pumping them up.


    They may turn out to be awesome and that opponent has a great offense. But I think next year the defense will be re-upped to a certain degree. Really I think we need to address our lines here or there and a linebacker/ tight end. 


    Seeing KC who got better on defense and has a dynamic offense makes this a tough sledding this year. 


    Not to mention New England 

    We could definitely use a Darryl Talley type player on D!

  8. 52 minutes ago, Maynard said:

    So what do you guys think about the PI? I’m arguing with folks that it indeed was and they saying it was BS! 

    At the very least, it was a pretty "ticky-tacky" call, and one you wouldn't normally expect to be made at that point in the game (at least, in the "old days") ... especially if it favored the Bills!   It's hard not to think that at least part of that was a "make-up call" for the absolutely bogus INT earlier.

  9. 37 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    No one is reporting it so I don't think it's actually a thing.

    On at least 2 "Bills FB groups" I was monitoring, there was a bit of of confusion over whether the "injury to TRE" was referring to TreDavious White or Tremaine Edmunds, and that may be one way the "rumors" about TreDavious being injured got started.

  10. 1 minute ago, 716er said:


    There are different logos on each binder. Odds are they were specific Buffalo Bills game plans relative to that team whose logo is on there. It makes sense since he's got the same QB and plays some of the same teams/coaches/schemes.

    That makes sense ... I guess I'm just surprised that they let coaches walk out with what would seemingly be "proprietary intel" when they are let go.   The first thing players have to do when they are cut is turn in their play book ....

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  11. Seems like it would have to come with a fairly complicated set of rules about what sort of crowd reaction is appropriate under what circumstances, and at what volume, etc, and that would be a nightmare to "officiate".   You always hear about visiting teams wanting to "quiet the crowd", but if the home team gets to control what the fake crowd noise sounds like, that would never happen.   Also, I'm sure there would have to be a rule against "boo'ing" controversial penalties and other calls (and non-calls).   

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