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Everything posted by Prospector

  1. I remember Kurt Schultz coming down hill and crushing Eddie George in the the A/B gap... literally sat him on his lap. I tried to find this multiple times, but I cant. My brother is a big Dolphins fan and told me that EG was gonna run all over us. I can see this hit clear as day in my head, but I cant find it. Kurt literately told him to retire with that meet up
  2. It took me a lot longer than I am proud of to get it... Being from Vegas, the word slot becomes background noise because we forget not everyone has them at every grocery store and bar... HAHA, slot WR, I actually enjoyed that... I give you 7s
  3. I am half tempted to bring Iverson out of retirement to give you all a lecture on the importance of practice to win championships! Both of which, he knows a LOT about!
  4. Most likely to kick tires Most likely to say hot seat Most likely to say process
  5. but you love to respond second hand over and over... I can get a hint... wink wink
  6. I know it is valid when Jauranimo liked your post... I really am making a difference. You should see him get riled up in the NHL talks... and isn't posting in this thread literally the epitome of trying too hard, like for fake awards that are just jokes? and you making it seem like they should be serious kinda back fires... Go Jauranimo! Go VGK!
  7. Well, being a pretend Billionaire my self, with multiple pretend fortune 500 companies, I would fire who ever whenever, because I am the MAN! Deal with it!
  8. What if Billy boy gets fired this year... should we look to add him to our squad?! (I am pretty sure this is the first time I brought this up)
  9. A dollar easily earned is a dollar easily lost, so says the dad from Great Outdoors
  10. I am hoping it is to a billionaire not corrupted by money or power
  11. get this man a Hall Pass... 😀
  12. I am not a scholar, but I do know that Addison means Autobahn in German... to deny his heritage is to deny his reason to live
  13. If ya ain't last yer Nurst
  14. I was actually hoping to get "the most suspended account by trying to skate around the suspending guidelines and throwing a fit for it". I can't find the data, but I am pretty sure I made a finalist list. If you don't recognize my name, it's probably because I was... away from my keyboard for long periods of time
  15. Definitely Einstein, but I heard judges don't give out 2 awards to the same person, and he already won the most ironic name award
  16. Are you still campaigning for troll of the year? I thought you were the dark-horse... but judges may be swayed by last minute exceptionalism!
  17. Ok, now I need to get my protractor and get real measurements. They will be metric, so be prepared The volume of a babies arm holding a part of an apple
  18. There are... and we try to find ways to stop them, but parents and certain groups try to make it so you really can't enforce them, and then it becomes a 'do you really want to fight this battle if all parties involved would rather see the child not learn, but express themselves... and they will take legal action?' Fun day and age! I was trying to playfully add on the Volume talk... I don't wanna derail this thread. I always like Teefs posts... they seem like initial thoughts with creativity. Great for a non-serious short attention span as myself. He's always a break from the ultra tense. And he likes to make good jabs at trolls, maybe he could win an award for best Troll 'One Shotter'
  19. with a half sphere on top... you get 70% on your project which is a summative grade, unless you correct and update
  20. Only for cylinders. The easiest volume would be rectangular prisms... unless it was fraction and decimal units, because math text books are odd and you are required to convert before you solve. Such a pain, like what weirdo would measure dimensions on a project, some in fractions/mixed numbers, and others in decimals, am I right?! Maybe he should get the bad grade instead. Chapter 4.3 can go to heck for all I care... I am just happy half my class understood the idea of volume that isn't related to their airpod intensity as they ignore the lesson.
  21. I thought was going to be a gif to finish the 3/4 job
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