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Everything posted by Freak-O

  1. Looks like at least twice 3.9 meters.
  2. They don’t run the same speed the entire race. It takes them several seconds to reach their max speed. Hill would lose by more than 3.9 meters.
  3. I don’t understand why we can’t have world class backups. It’s the same thing every season, the first team is great but the backups are not as good. It’s almost like if there was some weird rule preventing teams from getting all the best players…
  4. I had forgotten how boring preseason football is. I remembered it to be boring, but I’d forgotten it was this bad.
  5. ”From day one Allen was by his side and treated him with respect”. That’s not how I talk about friends and teammates. “Respect” is not the first word I would use, nor second or third. People who constantly feel the need to be respected are trouble.
  6. You have to imagine? What do you base this imagination on? Why wasn’t it Dorsey’s decision and part of what got him replaced? And the different running backs that were on the team those two seasons might have played a part too, right?
  7. If you miss when you go full power it can go very wrong and look silly. Ask any soccer player, any golfer etc. It doesn’t make it “pathetic”.
  8. Going 5 out of 6 with the miss being 58 yards is not a problem. He was bad last year but this particular practice isn’t an indication that he’s still in a slump.
  9. Anything is better than ad break, touchback, ad break. Or ad break, return, flag, ad break. If this new thing reduces those, I’m happy.
  10. Anonymous guy says thing about Josh Allen=instant six pages on the forum.
  11. That’s why the phrase “penis victory from the jaws of defeat” was coined.
  12. Maybe she’s just into deflated balls?
  13. Performing in OTA’s is enough to warrant a nickname? The bar is set very low it seems.
  14. Don’t tell him what he can and cannot be. This is America, the land of the free! He can be however stupid he wants to be.
  15. Vegas places the line where they think the bettors will be 50/50 over and under, not necessarily where they believe the line should be.
  16. If someone had just coached Bass to kick the ball straight instead of wide right…
  17. Would have taken you less time than it took to write this post and would probably be more memorable.
  18. I expect them to challenge for the division title and once in the playoffs, the team that’s healthy and in form can go far and hopefully that’s us.
  19. If you want to prove his game speed is slow, at least put some effort in and find some game film that points to that, instead of assuming no one else ran top speed in the drills. I’m pretty sure the Bills staff has seen more of him than the combine.
  20. Maybe we knew they weren’t after a player we wanted and felt we would be the winner of the deal?
  21. That’s the problem though. Compared to even someone like Peterman we are all pathetic excuses for humans when it comes to playing QB.
  22. I’m an optimist so I say one. But if I’m sacked a few times before that happens I might be in trouble… I also think I would score if I played a season in the NHL, simply by being of NHL size standing in front of the goalie in power plays redirection shots (only vaguely on purpose). Where you’d never be even close to scoring is in a top level soccer match. Unless you’d take penalties of course.
  23. The CIA and the FBI collaborating? Is that really plausible?
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