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Everything posted by Freak-O

  1. I hope he finds another team. I don't know what part he played in Josh's development and even if it was just microscopic I'm still grateful.
  2. Even the commentators are pretty good today. 😊
  3. That second to last guy shouted some really valid points.
  4. The less people that are vaccinated the higher the risk of the virus mutating into something new that the current vaccines won't stop. It might also mutate into something worse. That's why people are upset.
  5. It's not only the fact that they invent a metric called "arm arrogance", they also attribute it to Josh BEFORE he's actually shown any symptoms of it. It's like me picking Peterman over Brady because I expect Brady's left leg to turn into a hair brush.
  6. This season my favourite icehockey team made it to the playoff final. The winner of the seven game series gained promotion into the top league. My team won the first game 6-3, lost the second 0-7 and the following day tests showed several of the players had Covid. A two week break followed, 20 players in the team tested positive (and 10 in the other team as well) and when the series restarted my team was a shadow of its former self, were completely dominated and lost three straight games. Season over. The best defender on the team spent five days in intensive care and didn't play any of the remaining games. Sure, getting Covid as a young, fit athlete might not kill you, but it sure as hell killed this season for my team and who knows when they'll be 100% again. If a few important players on the Bills get Covid it might not be more than some sniffles for a few days, but then again, it might be worse and it might cause us losing games.
  7. But on the other hand, remove all the bad runs and his stats look really good!
  8. First of all, according to almost all Chiefs fans, Hill's kid hit him first in the kidney. You just couldn't see it in any of the camera angles...
  9. Quick! Someone find something offensive this guy tweeted ten years ago so they take Frazier instead!
  10. When Singletary dropped the ball I felt like the game wasn't going to end well. I still had hope, but that drop took some of the air out of me. I can't really explain it.
  11. In every replay you could see the receivers being covered. Not just kind of covered, but covered covered. Not sure how Josh's nerves can fix that. Also, Brady threw three interceptions yesterday. Is there a way to fix his nerves? Maybe a sports psychologist or something?
  12. I have absolutely nothing against Mahomes. Really don't like Hill though. Anyone who beats up his pregnant girlfriend is scum. Doesn't matter how fast he can run, still scum. Just faster scum. Go Tampa!
  13. This year has certainly made Buffalo more attractive for players when they consider their options. The team seems to have a really good atmosphere and it's one of the best teams in the league. No more lovable losers with a crazy fanbase, now the Bills are on the rise with a young star QB and the best receiver in the league.
  14. You know who would have caught that pass Singletary dropped? Christian Wade.
  15. I remember the good old days, which were, of course, pretty bad, when we had a great defense. Then Rex came and somehow ruined that. Now we have a great offense, but the defense is not up to par. If Frazier leaves, at least we get something new. Defensively this season was a disappointment and I like many of the players on D. Hopefully the Texans people didn't watch this game.
  16. The Chiefs on paper is the better team. They also played by far the better game. If you want words of comfort just look at this team's progress year by year. We got to a 13-3 regular season more or less without a defense or a run game. We can improve more than the Chiefs and will hopefully be closer next year. Also, I expect Josh to improve his completion percentage from ~69 to around ~79. Either that or he sucks and we should have drafted Mahomes.
  17. Right now I wouldn't mind if Frazier and Daboll goes away to be head coaches somewhere else. The defense has been up and down the entire season, with more down than up, and where are all the creative Daboll plays today when we need them?
  18. We would have needed our players to excel today to win, but the defense has been pretty bad and the receivers have had their hands on many passes without catching them. I wouldn't exactly call most of them drops, but a few highlight catches there is what we would have needed. Very few Bills players have outperformed themselves today, meanwhile Kelce and Hill are breaking records. Now we need some sort of a miracle...
  19. Singletary felt like a breath of fresh air last season. He was a rookie, not that fast but quick and hard to tackle. This season I have very few good memories of him and this drop was just too bad. Stevie Johnson got a lot of criticism for his famous drop, but this was much worse. Most of our moms could catch that ball!
  20. I'm 44 and have never played football in my entire life and I would have gotten a first down on that pass. Singletary better make up for that drop or it might turn out to be VITAL!
  21. The last large margin win for the Chiefs came against the Jets ages ago. Having said that, it is a strength winning close games too, but sooner or later those close games get too close and Kyler Murray throws a one in a hundred TD with only a few seconds left of the game...
  22. I love the song, but I've always found it a bit weird when it's used in sports videos like this. "rape, murder" isn't the most fitting lyrics to go with players celebrating a touchdown. Great song, great video, odd pairing.
  23. If it meant more of my mates could still work there and the workplace being more enjoyable (like winning more games) and I was making more money than I could ever spend in a hundred years, then yes, I most definitely would.
  24. A blood choke can turn someone's lights off pretty fast and could explain why he had a hard time standing up, but if that was it then he should have been able to play again very soon after. Anyway, if it's some sort of neck injury I think it will hinder him a bit in the next game. Just having a stiff neck has hindered me in many different kinds of sports, and that was from sleeping weird, not having some athletic behemoth pulling on your head.
  25. These two teams don't look too scary right now. Had expected a better game than this.
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