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Everything posted by Freak-O

  1. So who from the other parts of the team do we cut to get better depth at OL? There is only so much money to go around. Had they focused more on OL and less on receivers you would have complained about that.
  2. The only thing I took from this is that you’re in love with the word “indefensible”.
  3. In the odd game, no, but over a long season the better team usually finish first.
  4. I’m not upset Tua played again after the hit because of the Bills losing, I’m upset he played again because of existing protocol and player safety. Tua didn’t beat the Bills today, the Bills and the weather beat the Bills.
  5. Bass’ missed field goal proved costly.
  6. With the existence of the salary cap it’s not possible to have pro bowl players on all positions. I’d say this team is built quite well and deep when the backups is a faster ref from a winning field goal against a really good team.
  7. This game was a massacre, players going down left and right. I have to question the rules when a game can be won or lost depending on the speed (and willingness to run) of the refs. Last season we had a weird game with extreme weather that we lost against the Patriots. I guess this was this season’s version of that game. I would have liked the Bills to remain unbeaten a little longer, but at least now we know our backups are pretty much as good as Miami’s first stringers. I’m pissed right now but I can live with this loss.
  8. The safest way to get onto the Bill’s roster is to go through the Panthers organisation. Raheem knows what he’s doing.
  9. Although the current punter so far has turned out to be quite the offensive weapon.
  10. Get Fitzpatrick as a punter. The Bills hardly ever punt anyway and he would (hopefully) finally get to the playoffs. 🤪
  11. Tua has matured into playing one really good half. Pretty much every QB that’s started in the league a few years has looked really good for at least a half.
  12. He also took on a whole team of international terrorists that tried to take over his school.
  13. Remember when the Bills were really bad and kept getting beat by making incredible mistakes or doing really stupid things? That seems to be most teams in the league this season.
  14. I have seen both the Patriot’s games so far and nothing of what I’ve seen points to them being “a pretty damn good team”. Obviously your bar is set very low when it comes to football quality.
  15. I watched Tua play four quarters last week and he for sure hadn’t taken a massive step then.
  16. Can we please also remember week 1 and the awful game between Miami and the Pats?
  17. One good half is all it takes to be a proven better than average QB now?
  18. Can someone in the officiating staff please check the air pressure in that tablet?
  19. Of course I won’t. I was just curious about who will. It seems everyone who’s some sort of name of any kind starts a podcast. Surely the market must be saturated soon?
  20. Do we really need more podcasts? And I’m not sure I have the mental strength to listen to that maniacal pro wrestling schtick for more than a minute at a time.
  21. Has football become worse? Outside of the Bills game all games I’ve watched this weekend have been clown shows.
  22. A torn pec is the kind of injury I associate with juiced up bodybuilders, where the muscle has outgrown its tendons.
  23. Watching NE-MIA and thinking the Jets might finish second in the division.
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